

Quick Take: Sometimes I highlight articles not because of what is said, but rather who is saying it. The latter is my motivation for pointing you to an article called “To Prevent Long Power Outages, Communities Look to Microgrids” from Governing.com. I don’t know if you’ll learn anything new about microgrids from this article, other than details on some interesting… Keep reading →


As we’ve mentioned before, New York is changing how it evaluates and compensates electric utilities. One goal of this change is increased consumer engagement, which makes customers allies in the development of a more reliable, resilient, and ‘smart’ electric grid. Many customers have begun taking advantage of new energy technologies and their falling prices by turning to… Keep reading →


A new demand-side program will be a training ground for future utility reforms in New York Consolidated Edison is taking a new approach to delivering reliable power that is as radical as the gentrification sweeping New York’s outer boroughs. Con Ed filed a proposal on Wednesday with the New York Public Utilities Commission for a… Keep reading →


Quick Take: By now, I’m sure you’ve read the predictions that we’ll be living in a world of federated microgrids within a decade or two. Yet many of those predictions gloss over an essential question. What will power those microgrids when the main grid goes down? Microgrid enthusiasts often imply that renewables plus storage will provide… Keep reading →

Germany Invests Heavily In Alternative Energy Production

This year’s closing ceremony of the innovative event series New York Energy Week ended on a high note. It featured a familiar topic in energy circles: Utilities’ shifting role in the power generation market. Peter Molengraaf, CEO of Alliander – a Dutch distribution grid operator – wasted no time and cut right to the point with… Keep reading →

Wincono Wind Farm In Larnaca Cyprus

Quick Take:  Do you remember the days when state policymakers considered grid modernization with suspicion? Many of them thought it was a ploy by utilities to get approval to spend more money on unproven technology while shunting the risk onto ratepayers. These days, states are not just allowing modernization, they are demanding it. For instance, read… Keep reading →

Amsterdam, Bicycle City

The Netherlands is a world leader with regard to engineering water-management solutions on an industrial scale. The country was created in the delta of three large rivers that flow into the North Sea and roughly two thirds of the nation’s GDP are earned below sea level. One of the world’s largest airports – Amsterdam Airport… Keep reading →

Massive Arizona Wildfire Spreads, Threatening Nearby Towns

The internet of things (IoT) is changing the way we interact with nearly all facets of our world, including the electric grid. These days, you can already control your smart thermostat with your smart phone; it’s easy to imagine that smart solar panels and microgrids are not far behind. The term “smart grid” was coined… Keep reading →

Remaining US Troops In Iraq Patrol Restive Babil Province

The US military’s efforts to reduce dependence on fossil fuels may help to advance emerging energy technologies by providing them with coveted assets, such as financial backing and testing opportunities. But there is no guarantee that these technologies, as applied to military-specific conditions, will be commercial successes in a civilian context. The Department of Defense holds an… Keep reading →

East Coast Begins To Clean Up And Assess Damage From Hurricane Sandy

The following is an excerpt from an Energy Solutions Forum Industry Brief. In an increasingly technology-dependent society with growing energy needs as we seek a higher quality of life, disturbances in electricity supply and quality can have severe implications daily. They can cause significant losses of information, efficiency and productivity as interruptions crash computers and the critical services reliant upon them, such as life… Keep reading →

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