Energy issues featured prominently in the 2012 presidential election and now the Obama Administration is highlighting the important role energy plays in the economy, national security and the environment by again proclaiming October “National Energy Action Month.”
Despite some lofty language, it’s not entirely clear how US citizens are supposed to help achieve high-level goals like increasing US energy security and contributing to a robust economy.
“Years from now, our children may wonder if we did all we could to leave a safe, clean, and stable world for them to inherit. If we keep our eyes on the long arc of our future and commit to doing what this moment demands, the answer will be yes…I call upon the citizens of the United States to recognize this month by working together to achieve greater energy security, a more robust economy, and a healthier environment for our children.” – President Barak Obama
It seems most citizens would support those goals regardless of how they consume energy, but at least now we’ve officially been called to action. The Department of Energy suggests several ways federal employees can promote Energy Action Month – perhaps some can apply to the general public as well, seeing as many of those employees may not be working until the federal government sorts out its finances.