Pension Funds


Analysts and economists are trying to figure out how falling oil prices impact various economic sectors. Many 401ks and pension funds invest in oil companies, but as long as funds are diversified they should not be hit too badly by the oil price decline. “But this is precisely why investment advisers tell us to diversify,… Keep reading →

High Oil Prices Continue To Drive Gas Prices Steadily Upwards

Well, if you have a 401 (k), IRA or pension, then chances are US oil and gas company stock is part of that investment strategy. According to a study released today, 65.5% of US-based oil and gas company shares are owned by individual investors mostly as part of pension funds or retirement accounts. The study… Keep reading →

Immigration Activists Demonstrate In Los Angeles

As pressure to get institutional investors to divest holdings in fossil fuel-related companies increases, pension funds appear to be reacting slower than several college endowments. The logic advanced by climate activists is that as carbon pricing policies proliferate globally, companies that generate significant portions of their revenue from oil production or coal mining, for example,… Keep reading →