New York

Hurricane Sandy Bears Down On U.S. Mid-Atlantic Coastline

After many years of essentially never worrying about power delivery, the past decade has brought an accelerating number of service interruptions to the citizens of the United States and steadily raised concerns about the sources of their energy alongside renewed interest in details of the system’s functioning. Those of us who have been working in… Keep reading →

Governor Cuomo Speaks On His State Of The State And Budget Message

New York State continues to hold the decision on shale gas development in stalemate, provoking calls for more transparency in the process. A decision on hydraulic fracturing in New York state has been in the works for several years. Former New York Governor David Paterson commissioned an Environmental Impact Study and Health Review in 2010,… Keep reading →

Report Claims 20 Percent Of US's Energy Could Come From Wind Power

The success of distributed solar generation is one of the surprising twists in the ongoing drama of shifting US power markets, and now the revolution is set to come to wind power. United Wind started the road toward an anticipated half a billion dollars in financing by 2017 for distributed wind installations this week with… Keep reading →

Casio Introduces World's Smallest Fuel Cell

Energy storage is an exciting space for researchers, investors and established energy industry players alike because as technology advances and costs come down the potential for truly disruptive – and highly lucrative – innovation feels almost within grasp. The ability to cheaply and reliably store and dispatch utility-scale volumes of electricity will alter existing power… Keep reading →

Anti-Fracking Activists Rally In Washington

NY Court of Appeals will decide whether state municipalities can use local zoning laws to ban hydraulic fracturing. Extent of Marcellus Shale Formation in NY State (Syracuse) On August 29, 2013, the Albany Court of Appeals  announced its decision to consider two lawsuits challenging the authority of New York (NY) State municipalities to enact local… Keep reading →

NJ Beach Town Devastated By Hurricane Sandy Tears Down Storm-Damaged Homes

Hurricane Sandy’s wounds remain fresh along the US East Coast, particularly in and around New York City where cleanup costs stretched into the billions of dollars. The storm caused government and private industry to reconsider critical infrastructure vulnerabilities, especially with regard to energy production, transport and distribution, in both the power and liquid fuels sectors.… Keep reading →

Fracking Protests Continue In Sussex

Chesapeake is giving up its leases in New York state. “The decision, expected to be finalized next week, is a sign of energy firms’ growing frustration over operating in the Empire State, where most drilling is on hold, and also an indication of how Chesapeake is reining in spending after years of aggressive acreage buying… Keep reading →

Kazakhstan Oil Industry Is Booming

The Motley Fool has compiled a list of this year’s “Disturbing Energy Blunders”, which includes the train derailment in Quebec that killed dozens, as well as oil leaked form pipelines belonging to the country’s two largest oil and gas companies, ExxonMobil and Chevron. “The hope is that these big blunders will bring about more prudent… Keep reading →

One World Trade Center Becomes Tallest Building In New York

Energy regulations affecting New York property owners under the PlaNYC Greener, Greater Buildings Plan are giving a boost to the market for energy efficiency solutions, creating a wealth of opportunities for energy efficiency and consulting firms like Bright Power. Bright Power handles the full suite of energy management services, from audits and benchmarking of existing energy… Keep reading →

Cameron Douglas Sentencing For Narcotics Possession While In Jail

The Northeast has joined Texas as a hotbed for energy lawyers, driven by our nation’s insatiable demand for energy and the lack of a coherent national energy policy. In addition, the industry is moving from a time-worn regulated monopoly model to free-market competition – complicated by climate change concerns on the one hand and the… Keep reading →

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