German Electricity Grid Insufficient For New Energy Needs

Projects in Seven States to Help Communities Become More Adaptive With Microgrids WASHINGTON – In support of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan and the Administration’s commitment to improve national power grid resiliency, today the Energy Department announced more than $8 million for microgrid projects to help cities and towns better prepare for extreme weather events… Keep reading →

EPA Proposes New Limits On Emissions From Coal-Fired Plants

CHICAGO, IL – Secretary Moniz today announced $3.2 million to launch the National Incubator Initiative for Clean Energy, which will create a national support network to serve the clean energy small business and entrepreneur community, providing critical technical assistance and training services in order to bring these businesses and entrepreneurs closer to market readiness. The… Keep reading →

The Genovation Cars G2 concept plug-in electric hybrid vehicle model during aerodynamics testing at the Glenn L. Martin Wind Tunnel at University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland, January 26, 2012.

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) describes its new technology as a 2.4 kilovolt, 45kVA (45,000 volt amps for the less technical among us) solid-state, direct current (DC) fast charging system for electric vehicles (EVs). Keep reading →