Fuel Cell

When deciding how to meet the power and thermal energy needs of commercial and industrial facilities, executives must consider a range of priorities including cost, safety, reliability, and environmental stewardship. While on-site power and heat generation is often considered because of the potential for enhanced reliability and energy savings, typical equipment for on-site generation can… Keep reading →

Electricity Bill Across The Country Rise On Record Fuel Costs

Approval of Con Edison’s BQDM Program is a significant step for the utility to pursue non-traditional infrastructure investments to meet local demand. On December 12, 2014, the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) issued an order in Case 14-E-0302 approving Consolidated Edison Company of New York Inc.’s (Con Edison) Brooklyn/Queens Demand Management (BQDM) Program to address overload… Keep reading →


Quick Take: By now, I’m sure you’ve read the predictions that we’ll be living in a world of federated microgrids within a decade or two. Yet many of those predictions gloss over an essential question. What will power those microgrids when the main grid goes down? Microgrid enthusiasts often imply that renewables plus storage will provide… Keep reading →

Touted by movie stars, discussed in presidential debates, solar and wind energy are the technological ‘it girls’ of our time. Meanwhile, combined heat and power, 100 years old and shaped like a box, can’t get a date with popular culture.

Such was the lament that threaded through last week’s annual gathering in Washington, D.C. of about 120 industry supporters of CHP, as the technology is more commonly known (for those who know it). Keep reading →