The Arctic Frontiers Conference will be held this January in Tromso, Norway and will address “Energies of the High North,” including both nonrenewable and renewable resources.

The conference will discuss the global energy outlook and assess the potential of traditional and renewable energy resources in the North. The fundamental issues that will be addressed are:

– How does the global energy outlook affect the High North?
– How should energy resources in the High North be utilized to meet the world’s energy demand?
– What kind of technology must be developed to ensure a sustainable utilization of energy resources in the High North?
– How does this impact the northern countries and local communities and their way of living

The event will also include a science section which will include a day of overview presentations on the potential of existing and new possible resources of energy for the far Northern reaches.

Accessing hard-to-develop new energy resources is fundamental to the growth of large energy firms, which have discovered huge new oil and gas plays in recent years. Read more about the issues they face, and the scale of the opportunity here.

Register for the event here.