
Imagine charging stations instead of gas stations, chargers instead of gas, and silent cars gliding along the roads.

With two bills pending in the Senate on electric vehicles, the emissions-free car, truck and bus may become the norm in the coming years. Keep reading →

It has not always been easy to defend the massive energy programs included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus.

Here the Department of Energy provides a detailed example of businesses that benefited from the energy efficiency funds include in the ARRA. The video focuses on St Paul in Minnesota, and has the unusual benefit, for a government video, of being short and to the point. Keep reading →

The future of nuclear energy post-Fukushima is a major outstanding question in the energy industry.

The need for reliable, large-scale electricity generation to replace steadily-retiring coal units and aging nuclear plants is obvious, and until earlier this year nuclear seemed like the best option. Keep reading →

There seems to be some uncertainty whether the United States is the Saudi Arabia of natural gas, the Saudi Arabia of coal. Perhaps as President Obama says in this video, its “both, and” not “either, or.”

The President is talking about energy policy, but its interesting to remember that the Administration has acknowledged the centrality of coal, which continues to generate roughly half of US electricity, despite a sustained focus on renewable fuels. Keep reading →

Wind power is attracting attention this week as thousands view new turbines and discuss wind developments at the annual American Wind Energy Association Windpower Conference while vocal protests over noise pollution and changing landscapes gain traction.

Two filmmakers have taken a somewhat quieter approach, looking at the booming Texas windscape and trying to figure out what’s it’s all about. Keep reading →

Wind power may just be too noisy for homeowners to handle.

The Huffington Post reported today on the latest windpower lawsuit, brought by several homeowners in Maine against the Fox Island Electric Cooperative, the local utility that has installed three turbines on the small island of Vinalhaven in Maine’s Penobscot Bay. Keep reading →

This video is basic for those already in the solar business, but for those who talk solar economics without ever understanding the science, this is a helpful guide for when you need to talk at a basic level with the engineers who do understand the science.

This video comes from the US Department of Energy, which is working to bring its high-level understanding of energy science to the general public as part of an effort to build support for still often-confusing clean energy technology push. Keep reading →

Although this video features a celebrity, it has a couple of serious points to make. Keep reading →

President Obama used his Saturday address to the American public to further mark out his approach to energy policy, despite a retreat in oil prices back below $100/barrel that has taken some of the immediate pressure off the Administration to act.

Along with advocating for the repeal of $4 billion in tax subsidies to oil and gas companies, Obama called for investment in “clean, renewable sources of energy that are the ultimate solution to high gas prices.” Keep reading →

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