Video: Wind of Change

on May 24, 2011 at 5:00 PM

Wind power is attracting attention this week as thousands view new turbines and discuss wind developments at the annual American Wind Energy Association Windpower Conference while vocal protests over noise pollution and changing landscapes gain traction.

Two filmmakers have taken a somewhat quieter approach, looking at the booming Texas windscape and trying to figure out what’s it’s all about.

Is it about profit? Greenhouse gas emissions? Or, is wind power flourishing in Texas simply because its good business?

The movie points to a much larger question the growing renewables industry must face: What will happen as the power-production giants move into the “clean” energy sector?

Watch the trailer for Daniel Deloach and Axel Gerdau’s film “Wind of Change”:

For more information about the movie, visit the Wind Of Change website.

For more comments about the movie, visit the WindSector blog.