Natural Gas

dcns floating turbine

It’s been 60 years in the making and it’s finally here: America’s power generation fleet has changed so much since the 1950s, and especially over the last decade, that the amount of carbon we emit per megawatt-hour of electricity produced has dropped to its lowest point in recorded history. In fact, 2015 could be the… Keep reading →

<> on March 11, 2015 in Donetsk, Ukraine.

The next winter is approaching fast in natural gas terms. While temperatures are slowly rising in the Northern Hemisphere and the cherry blossoms around the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC hit peak bloom over the weekend, across the pond the EU Commission kicked off a fresh series of trilateral gas talks between Russia, the Ukraine… Keep reading →


Western economic sanctions against Russian oil and energy interests are steadily playing out, this time affecting French oil major Total S.A.’s ability to finance part of the $27 billion Yamal liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in the Russian Arctic. Reports broke toward the end of last week that Total will seek as much as $15… Keep reading →


    Three sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said last week that the much touted Power of Siberia (POS) natural gas pipeline to be built by Russian gas giant Gazprom and earmarked to bring natural gas from two new fields in Russia to China could be delayed. The sources said that the pipeline could… Keep reading →

Monitoring & Diagnostic Center_Atlanta

  Today GE announced its ‘predictive maintenance’ program driven by operational data from the company’s global fleet of more than 1,500 gas turbines helped decrease power plant downtime and saved customers an estimated $70 million in 2014. When a gas-fired power plant goes down due to a maintenance issue, that generation capacity must be replaced… Keep reading →


At the beginning of the year the proposed $6 billion Jordan Cove Energy Project looked like nothing could stand in its way. The project is slated to be built in Coos County on the southern Oregon coast by Calgary-based Veresen Inc. and is one of more than a dozen US based liquefied natural gas (LNG)… Keep reading →

Texas Oil Companies Work To Adapt To Falling Oil Prices

German oil and gas producers are urging the government to overturn a de facto four year moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas. A proposed law would allow commercial scale fracking at depths below 3000 meters. The proposal is sure to be controversial as environmental groups see it is a wedge for increased fossil fuel… Keep reading →


Conventional hydropower fell from its perennial perch as the source of the majority of U.S. renewable energy in 2014, yet another sign of the rise of a new wave of renewables – wind and solar, especially – on the U.S. electrical grid. Data released Wednesday by the U.S. Energy Information Administration showed hydropower with net… Keep reading →


Burner tip. Credit: Shutterstock Natural gas prices for New Yorkers last February – particularly for commercial consumers – were the highest for that month in four years.[1] But by this past November, prices were the lowest for that month since the early 2000s.[2] What’s going on? And what should you do about it? Allow me… Keep reading →

BHP Billiton Announces Record Financial Results

British oil major BP issued its annual energy outlook and reported that rising energy demand in the coming decades will cause increasing carbon emissions despite efforts to draw them down. BP projects that the growing global economy will cause energy demand to rise 40% in the next twenty years and two-thirds of the demand will… Keep reading →

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