Natural Gas

fracking lancashire

Cuadrilla is looking for approval to frack the first horizontal well into shale rock in Britain – in Lancashire, to be precise – and it’s holding up Pennsylvania as an example of how it can be done without damaging a bucolic countryside. “Pennsylvania has the Marcellus Shale, which is one of the largest shale plays in the… Keep reading →

NYC City Council Bill Aims To Reduce Energy Usage By Limiting Lighting Of Empty Buildings At Night

New York Energy Week is kicking off its third year next week! The energy industry event series has quickly become a must-attend gathering for businesses, government leaders, financial players, legal professionals, members of the environmental community and citizens interested in the exciting ways energy production, transportation and consumption are evolving. New York finds itself on… Keep reading →

epa graphic

It holds the potential to cause problems, but so far hasn’t – that seems to be the thrust of a long-awaited government study on fracking and its impact on drinking water that was released on Thursday. Going back several years, this has been one of the hot-button issues involving hydraulic fracturing, a key technique that has helped unlock extensive… Keep reading →

Freezing Temperatures Continue To Grip The Country

Lower oil and natural gas prices have yet to find a floor since plunging last year. Oil prices, both global bench mark ICE-traded Brent and New York Mercantile Exchange traded West Teas Intermediate (WTI) crude prices have plunged by around 40 percent since this time last year amid decreased global oil demand and a supply… Keep reading →

NRDC Methane Reductions report

Methane leakage has been identified as one of the major complicating factors in embracing natural gas as a “bridge fuel.” There’s tremendous uncertainty about exactly how extensive the problem is, but that doesn’t mean the industry can just wish it away. That was a topic of discussion at the World Gas Conference in Paris on… Keep reading →

<> on May 7, 2015 in Joliet, Illinois.

The US Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) newly released analysis of the impacts of the EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan finds a mixture of technology, market forces and policy could result in a significant carbon emissions reductions if the rule is ultimately passed. The rule is intended to reduce CO2 emissions from existing fossil fuel power generation… Keep reading →


Natural gas can deliver substantial carbon emissions reductions when displacing coal, and the United States has taken good advantage of it in the past several years. But the U.S. experience might be “one moment in time and space,” says Stockholm Environment Institute senior scientist Michael Lazarus, lead author of a new paper [PDF] on gas and… Keep reading →

California Power Grid Strained By Heat Wave

A quarter of the nation’s electricity would still come from coal in 2030, so it’s hard to view the Obama administration’s proposed Clean Power Plan as the wholesale remaking of the U.S. power sector that the increasingly dire science on global warming would seemingly compel. Nevertheless, a new U.S. Energy Information Administration analysis shows the… Keep reading →

A picture taken on June 05, 2010 shows t

Just when it looked like Sino-American relations were finally starting to improve, new satellite images last week showed troubling developments. China has been building artificial islands on reefs in the Spratly islands in the South China Sea at an alarming pace. Not that this would be alarming news per se, but the reefs have been,… Keep reading →

Stocks End Day Flat, As EU Bailout Plan Continues To Affect Markets

Widely divergent views were on display this morning with Continental Resources’ CEO Harold Hamm promoting US crude oil exports, EIA Chief Adam Sieminski discussing recent oil market lessons and Author Bill Powers playing the pessimist. A morning panel at the Financial Times’ Energy Strategies Summit held in New York City featured a discussion about the… Keep reading →

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