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#WomenInSTEM: Moms Who Inspire

Pamela Richmond DOE

Happy Mother’s Day! As our country celebrates the hard work and support of mothers, let’s give a round of applause to the moms at the Department of Energy who inspire their children to excel, innovate and pursue their interests. Check out these stories and advice from our Women @ Energy series to hear more. Dr.… Keep reading →

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Oil prices will remain below the psychologically important $100-a-barrel mark until at least 2025, according to a draft report by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), seen byThe Wall Street Journal. In its most optimistic scenario, OPEC, which represents 12 oil-producing countries, forecast that oil will sell for around $76 per barrel in… Keep reading →

NYC City Council Bill Aims To Reduce Energy Usage By Limiting Lighting Of Empty Buildings At Night

The innovative event series New York Energy Week is back in its third year to celebrate leading companies, government officials, entrepreneurs and the other stakeholders who help the state’s various energy sectors and businesses run smoothly. In order to highlight some of the important people at the cutting edge of New York energy initiatives, Breaking… Keep reading →


Watts Bar 2 is nearing completion, and the Tennessee Valley Authority says that when the nuclear reactor in Rhea County, Tennessee, is completed, “it will produce the nation’s first new nuclear generation of the 21st century.” A 21st century plant but with deep roots in the 20th century – construction on the Westinghouse-designed pressurized water… Keep reading →

Conventional Energy Production Becoming Less Profitable

Back in March it was first reported by the major German TV network ARD ( that German utility E.ON was contemplating mothballing one of the most efficient power plants in Europe, a gas-fired high-efficiency combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant called ‘Irsching 4 and 5’ in the southern state of Bavaria – which only went… Keep reading →

Solar Energy Is Focus Of Energy-Producing Housing Colony

Prices of solar cells and solar panels have fallen dramatically over the last few years. This (and state subsidies) has been good for the advancement of this amazing renewable energy source, and solar energy can today be seen as an established energy source, reliable and well distributed, cost competitive with traditional non-renewable energy sources and… Keep reading →

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Visits Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman pulled out of meetings at the White House and Camp David this week at the last minute. The move is being interpreted as a signal the Saudis are unhappy with United States’ Iranian foreign policy. “Jon Alterman, senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said King Salman’s… Keep reading →

An tanker is docked on June 05, 2010 off

WASHINGTON – The Energy Department announced yesterday that it has issued a final authorization for Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP to export domestically produced liquefied natural gas (LNG) to countries that do not have a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States. The Cove Point LNG Terminal in Calvert County, Maryland is authorized to… Keep reading →

Powerlines can be seen next to the forme

For many years, the recipe for a successful and bankable investment in the power generation space called for one main ingredient; the long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). The PPA was, and still is in many cases, the primary factor determining the bankability and feasibility of a project. However, in most of the deregulated US power… Keep reading →

The Deepwater Gunashli platform, offshore Azerbaijan

European objections helped derail the South Stream pipeline project that Moscow was hoping to use to move Russian gas to southeastern Europe via Bulgaria – and now the United States is telling Greece to say no to Turkish Stream, a project that Gazprom and Turkey reached agreement on this week. Turkish Stream would pipe Russian gas through Turkey… Keep reading →

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