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CO2 400ppm

The monthly global average concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere surpassed 400 parts per million in March for the first time since record keeping began. “This marks the fact that humans burning fossil fuels have caused global carbon dioxide concentrations to rise more than 120 parts per million since pre-industrial times,” added Tans. “Half of… Keep reading →


Projects Designed to Save Consumers Money, Reduce Energy Consumption WASHINGTON – The Energy Department today announced nine research and development projects that will receive funding to support solid-state lighting (SSL) core technology research, product development and U.S. manufacturing. The projects will help accelerate the development of high-quality light-emitting diode (LED) and organic light-emitting diode (OLED)… Keep reading →


The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals just reversed and remanded EPA’s rule allowing backup generators to operate for up to 100 hours per year as necessary for demand response.


Voters go to the polls in the U.K. on Thursday after a campaign that, by many accounts, has failed to engage the electorate, despite the many weighty issues in play – such as climate change. Perhaps that’s because on the surface, there’s not much space between the leading parties on climate policy – nothing like in the U.S.… Keep reading →

San Francisco Career Fair Helps Military Veterans Find Jobs

The energy industry – oil & gas sector in particular – is bracing itself for a massive wave of retirements over the short to medium term, which has been dubbed “The Great Shift Change.” As the industry prepares for this turnover, companies are looking to the next generation of candidates with skills ranging from finance, geology,… Keep reading →

Downturn In Oil Prices Rattles Texas Oil Economy

What are US oil and gas producers most concerned about in the current oil price environment and over the longer term? Financial advisory and consulting firm BDO took a stab at answering that question in their annual BDO Oil and Gas RiskFactor Report, which analyzes the risks listed in the most recent 10-K filings of the… Keep reading →

clean energy fuels

Biomethane is a drop in the ocean of fuel used in the U.S. shipping industry now, but its prospects improved a bit on Tuesday with the announcement of an agreement by UPS to buy “renewable natural gas” (RNG) from Clean Energy Fuels, the natural-gas-for-transport company co-founded by T. Boone Pickens. UPS said that beginning this month, tractors and delivery… Keep reading →

Kuwait Promises To Increase Oil Production In Case  Of War

The latest restructuring in the Saudi hydrocarbon sector could mean new policies for the world’s largest oil exporter. On May 1, two days after making radical changes in the kingdom’s royal succession order and senior government posts, Riyadh announced that governance of the state-owned oil company Saudi Aramco has been restructured. As with the previous… Keep reading →

oil price cartoon

State-controlled Saudi Aramco adjusted its official crude oil selling prices in response to changing oil market dynamics. The company left Arab Light prices unchanged for Asian customers, while it increased prices for destinations in Europe and the US where demand appears to be picking up. The summer cooling season in Saudi Arabia is expected to… Keep reading →

California Power Grid Strained By Heat Wave

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