Julia St. Germain

Posts by Julia St. Germain

The aftermath of a California energy disaster may have been the catalyst for energy storage project opportunities.  Powin Energy and Eaton have been able to complete a 2MW energy storage project in record time for the LA Basin area. The urgent need for greater energy storage in this area stemmed from a serious gas leak… Keep reading →

Last year some investors in the energy market took a beating when numerous U.S. oil shale producers filed for bankruptcy. However, those losses have not deterred investors from making massive new investments betting on the future of the oil shale industry. In the first three months of 2017 investors placed nearly $20 billion with private… Keep reading →

Natural gas is quickly becoming the dominant source of electricity in many parts of the country. While it is plentiful, cheap, and causes less pollution than coal, can there be too much of a good thing? By placing to much reliance on single fuel source for the nations electricity usage are we essentially placing all… Keep reading →

Minnesota now boasts the country’s first attempt to collectively source power from community solar gardens with municipal governments. The results were “modestly successful.” The difference between this program and others of a similar vein in other parts of the country comes down to cost savings. None have set out to invest in community solar with… Keep reading →

Colorado may have found an interesting solution to the stranded assets that are relics of the transition to clean energy. Two Democratic lawmakers have proposed measures that would create ratepayer-backed, AAA rated, commercial bonds. These securities would be used by utilities to refinance retiring coal plants, of which there are many. The savings would be… Keep reading →

Across the smart grid vendor landscape, one country in particular seems to be at the top of everyone’s minds: India. Mirroring much of the developed world, India is in the middle of fundamentally transforming its electric power system to adopt a smart grid framework. Plagued by inefficiencies across the network and faced with new and… Keep reading →

San Diego Gas and Electric has recently entered into contracts for five battery storage projects, which in total will provide 83.5 megawatts. California’s new energy storage mandate has helped inspire the motivation behind this new undertaking. The amount of energy provided by these projects is comparable to having over 5,000 all-electric long-range vehicles at your… Keep reading →

Space Exploration Technologies Corporation better known as SpaceX was founded just 15 years ago by Elon Musk, the world famous entrepreneur and genius behind other notable ventures such as Tesla Motors, Solar City and others. The aerospace manufacturer and space transport company was started with modest goals such as reducing space transportation cost and enabling… Keep reading →

A recent op-ed published on CNBC provides an interesting commentary on the future of American clean energy. According to the authors, Americans, independent of political affiliation, support and value the environment and clean energy. Polling data provides evidence that both conservative and liberal respondents alike eagerly support government funded renewable technology, energy efficiency, and natural… Keep reading →

The media attention given to electric vehicles as of late may lead one to believe in a future in which carbon emissions are gone, and crude oil consumption is a thing of the past. The media attention, however, may be disproportionate to reality. The fact is, it is unlikely that electric cars will have a… Keep reading →

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