Tanker Spills Oil Into San Francisco Bay

Respected oil and gas industry analysts Ed Morse and Amy Meyers Jaffe teamed up to write a Foreign Affairs piece that argues in favor of US LNG (and even crude oil) exports. They address some of the most common claims leveled by opponents and make a strong case for why US energy exports are in the nation’s economic and geopolitical interests. [Foreign Affairs]

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy yesterday released a report ranking the 34 largest US cities on energy efficiency. “By considering both policies and energy performance, the City Scorecard reflects the current activities and historical legacies in each city, and as a result provides actionable information to policymakers and residents,” the group writes in the report’s executive summary. Oh, and Boston is number 1. [ACEEE]

Global oil prices appear to have weathered the Syria storm. Although a global supply disruption was never very likely, prices briefly rose and are now back to pre-crisis levels. [Wall Street Journal]