
The solar business has been overshadowed in the past two years by rapidly declining prices, related “trade wars” replete with accusations of dumping on global markets and the failure of a high-profile company – Solyndra – pushing an unproved technology.

But solar power has in the past decade gone from a hippie style accessory and an expensive small-scale solution to a large, proven generation source with installations that can rival and exceed the scale of competing fossil fuel plants. Nonetheless, financing remains a fundamental challenge, with many projects highly dependent on market forecasts that have too little historic data for banks wary of lending to any but the most traditional enterprises at a time of intense regulatory oversight. Keep reading →

The US solar market has become so hot its attracting foreign developers hoping to win a piece of the pie.

German solar photovoltaic (PV) company Gehrlicher Solar announced on December 15 that it has successfully entered the US market with two solar installations completed and six more under construction. Gehrlicher Solar America, based in Springfield, New Jersey, was officially formed in late 2010. Keep reading →

The fed’s piggy bank has been the subject of much debate this summer as Democrats and Republicans clashed over the deficit and budget planning.

No less controversial is federal financing of renewable energy projects, part of a strategy to both reduce national dependence on foreign oil and limit greenhouse gas emissions as part of addressing the threat of global climate change. But with federally-backed companies like solar manufacturer Solyndra recently filing for bankruptcy, some are saying that the government is making bad bets and investing in the wrong places. Keep reading →