Water Treatment

Currents: Energy Industry Insights December 2018 #2

Water Sources Cities Of Beijing Stepped Up Water Protection

According to EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler, the purpose of this proposed rule is to restore balance between federal and state regulation of the nation’s waterways

Texas Gulf Coast Prepares For Hurricane Ike

Symbiosis – in which different species have a cooperative or mutually beneficial relationship – is everywhere in nature: honeybees receive vital nutrients from flowers while delivering pollen (male) directly to the female parts of the flower; pilot fish gain protection from predators, while sharks gain freedom from parasites; and dogs protect their owners, while receiving… Keep reading →

Sao Paulo Region Suffers From Extreme Drought

Atlanta, Texas, California! As drought has moved across the country, Americans have had to look out for their water supply. Empty reservoirs led to restrictions on use. In many places, lawns are being replaced by xeriscaping. In many California cities, strict watering schedules are being enforced. In Texas, California and Florida, many people developed rain… Keep reading →

origin oil

This is the latest installment in our Energy Startup Series that gives executives at cutting-edge energy firms an opportunity to share insights and experiences about the energy industry, their careers and their companies.   Bill Charneski is president of OriginOil’s oil & gas division, where he has successfully led the deployment of the company’s proprietary Electro Water… Keep reading →

Oil Boom Shifts The Landscape Of Rural North Dakota

Oil and gas companies have discovered most of the world’s “easy oil,” but face extreme pressure from shareholders and Wall Street to consistently increase production and replace reserves, which takes them further offshore and closer to the poles. And as petroleum resources are increasingly developed in outpost locations with unconventional methods, the key to making… Keep reading →

California's Fertile Central Valley Suffers From Statewide Drought

How far below the ground surface do property rights extend? This question is being addressed in Texas Supreme Court and could result in the emergence of a new field of law. The case involves contamination from an oil and gas wastewater injection well that appears to have migrated onto adjacent farmland, according to a New… Keep reading →

Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show

There are many technologies on the market to clean up by-products from oil and gas production. The success of these and the regulations surrounding them are key in the controversy over things like groundwater pollution from hydraulic fracturing etc.. MIOX, a company that specializes in disinfectant systems, recently held a webinar to discuss their Blackwater… Keep reading →

Water Sources Cities Of Beijing Stepped Up Water Protection

There are astounding statistics about how much US drinking water is lost due to leaking pipes – roughly 240,000 water main breaks per year – and repairs could reach into the trillions of dollars. So how can we use water – and water-intensive energy – more efficiently? And even more challenging is finding ways for… Keep reading →