With utility-scale wind turbines installed in 39 states, wind energy accounts for 4.5 percent of our nation’s annual electricity generation. At this level, wind energy already supports more than 50,000 industry-related jobs in manufacturing, construction, operations and maintenance, and supporting services, all while improving the environment and strengthening our economy. So, what could the… Keep reading →
Value Chain
Wind Vision: New Report Highlights a Robust Wind Energy Future
By Jose Zayas | U.S. Department of EnergySign up and get Breaking Energy news in your inbox.
We will never sell or share your information without your consent. See our privacy policy.Global supply chains could be headed for big trouble. “Marginal or no improvements”, tantamount to a lack of preparation, leave supply chains in the US, China, India and Brazil more exposed to climate risks than those in France, the UK and Japan finds a new global study from CDP – formerly known as ‘Carbon Disclosure… Keep reading →