The company’s crackdown on fake accounts caused a stir in some regional countries, but the expanding use of encrypted messaging platforms may say more about the people’s sentiment toward their leaders. When Twitter purged millions of fake accounts on July 13, Saudi Arabia seized on the incident as an opportunity to embarrass its rival Qatar.… Keep reading →
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
The Twitter Purge And Digital Diplomacy In The Middle East
By Samuel NorthupSign up and get Breaking Energy news in your inbox.
We will never sell or share your information without your consent. See our privacy policy.Data Privacy & Cybersecurity Insider – April 2018 #2
By Gregory Bennici, Linn Freedman & Kathryn Rattigan | Robinson & Cole LLPData Privacy + Cybersecurity Insider – March 2018 #4
By Kelly Frye Barnett, William Daley & Linn Freedman | Robinson & Cole LLPPresident Trump Blocks Broadcom’s Bid to Take Over Qualcomm Upon Recommendation From CFIUS
By Rich Matheny, Andrea Murino & Jacob Osborn | GoodwinPresident Trump Sets Cybersecurity Funding Goals In Budget Proposal
By Stephen Shin | King & SpaldingEnergy And Critical Infrastructure Industries Warned Of Increased Attacks By FBI And DHS
By Linn Freedman | Robinson ColeNatural Gas Companies Work to Secure Critical Infrastructure Against Cyber Threats
By Rochelle NadhiriAccording to an alert issued last year by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, hackers using a tactic called “spear phishing” sent targeted emails to insert malware in computers belonging to natural gas sector organizations. In a separate series of attacks, intruders attempted to obtain information from oil and gas companies about drilling projects and… Keep reading →