Solar Securitization

Government Leaders Attend Clean Energy Summit In Las Vegas

In a move that’s one part marketing – no, make that two parts marketing – and one part financing, SolarCity today unveiled Solar Bonds, an online program that allows Jane and John Q. Public to plunk down as little as a thousand bucks and earn a return off the growing solar market. The solar installer… Keep reading →

Oil Boom Shifts The Landscape Of Rural North Dakota

The complex natural gas flaring issue associated with producing crude oil and other higher-value liquids from the Bakken Shale formation is back in the news as companies seek to address royalty payments owed for certain volumes of that flared gas. There appears to be some legal uncertainty regarding whether companies owe money to royalty owners… Keep reading →

Solar Energy Remains Popular For Private Homeowners

Another indicator of solar going mainstream SolarCity is offering another $70.2 million in asset-backed notes. Late last year, SolarCity executed on a solar financing milestone and offered a private placement of $54.4 million of an “aggregate principal amount of Solar Asset Backed Notes, Series 2013-1.” That was one of the first times securitization was employed… Keep reading →


These days, a $40 million dollar equity financing deal might not seem groundbreaking in America’s power markets. But for the keen analyst of distributed solar energy, that same investment may just herald a shift toward the future of project financing. Count our team among the latter after John Hancock Life Insurance announced it would partner… Keep reading →

Germany Invests Heavily In Solar Energy

Despite its rapid growth, the US solar market is still a bit of a Balkanized mess. It’s a highly fragmented collection of states with different policies and politics, some that have preferential programs such as Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) or net energy metering (NEM), and others that are resistant to change or beholden to incumbent… Keep reading →

Germany Debates Renewable Energy Investements

Renewable energy businesses – primarily wind and solar power – in the US are moving from adolescence to maturity. The US solar industry experienced a transformative 2013, with the proliferation of physical assets, installed capacity and new finance mechanisms, while the wind industry raced to begin projects by end-2013 in order to receive production tax… Keep reading →