
Singapore's Shipping Port Records Strong Growth In 2013

While marine transport enables the lion’s share of global trading in bulk commodities today, the business-to-business (B2B) information integration across the value chain of a voyage has yet to evolve. As both the shipping industry and commodity merchants face tighter profitability, they need to look at a holistic approach to improve efficiency and data quality… Keep reading →

Greenland:  A Laboratory For The Symptoms Of Global Warming

Once again, all eyes will turn to the Arctic this week as Canada sets to file its UN claim over an extended continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean. As a signatory to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in 2003, in order to obtain exclusive rights over the upcoming claim to… Keep reading →

OPEC Heads Of State Gather In Saudi Arabia

The oil producers’ cartel will discuss cutting back output at its meeting this Wednesday in Vienna. Iraq’s output continues increasing, Iran could export more barrels as a result of last week’s nuclear deal and non-Opec production has been strong with US output soaring – all bullish supply factors that could put downward pressure on prices… Keep reading →

Cable & Wireless

The Panama Canal is on the Energy Information Administration’s list of the world’s six global oil chokepoints. While the canal is the smallest of the six – moving just 700,000-800,000 barrels per day of crude oil and petroleum products from 2007 to 2011, compared to the 15-17 million bbl/d that transited the Strait of Hormuz… Keep reading →

The University of Tromso's research vess

The National Strategy for the Arctic Region intends to position the U.S. to respond to challenges and economic opportunities in the Arctic, prioritizing security, responsible resource development, and cooperation with other Arctic nations.   On May 10, 2013, the White House unveiled the “National Strategy for the Arctic Region,” outlining the administration’s priorities to manage… Keep reading →