Rio Plus 20

A thirty member open working group charged with setting new development goals for the United Nations finished a round of meetings in New York this week, marking out initial progress on following up to the Rio+20 meetings last year and setting the groundwork for new standards that will impact the way the growing NGO sector performs its work.

“The General Assembly working group is mandated to submit a report, containing a proposal for sustainable development goals for consideration and appropriate action to the 68th Session of the General Assembly, which would start in September 2013,” the UN said in announcing the end of the meetings. “By late 2014,” General Assembly President Vuk Jeremic said, “member states should be in a position to promulgate the Sustainable Development Goals-the single most important element of the post-2015 agenda.” Keep reading →

Despite adverse conditions, carbon market still grew by 11% in 2011 rioplussocial

Strong direction from G8 on climate, renewables, ending fossil subsidies is clear message for UN climate talks CFigueres

A Moroccan engineer cycles past the solar panels of the solar power station of Ain Beni Mathar near Oujda on May 31, 2011. The station provides 13% of the Moroccan energy needs it is claimed.

When an energy industry opportunity sums up most of the current trends in global business and is ready for investment, how do you convince companies to take advantage of it? Keep reading →