Renewable Fuels Standard

Ethanol Industry Threatened By Midwest Drought

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday engaged in the strange exercise of setting volume requirements for biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard – strange because some of the levels are in the past, and others might have only a vague relationship with reality – and seemed to upset everyone. In other words, situation normal. The… Keep reading →

Artisanal Beer Brewers Find Growing Niche In Berlin

The last video in a 3-part series from the Advanced Biofuels Association features a San Francisco-based company that’s making renewable diesel fuel in Brazil and renewable jet fuel that is being tested by the US military and commercial airlines. Amyris is training yeast to produce hydrocarbons instead of alcohol. A common challenge cited by all… Keep reading →

U.S. Farm Earnings Drop 14.6 Percent In Third Quarter AFter A Decline In Output

Just as the debate over mandated ethanol blending in the US was heating up, the Associated Press published an investigative report focused on the US ethanol industry’s negative environmental impacts. Ethanol supporters are up in arms, claiming the piece is inaccurate, lazy journalism that uses “disproven myths, skewed data, and outright fabrications.” Not surprisingly, US… Keep reading →

Extended Drought Pushes Corn Prices To Record Highs

The battle over the Renewable Fuel Standard and how much ethanol should be blended into the US fuel system next year is heating up again, with trade groups exchanging punches and lawsuits being filed. The American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers are involved in a war of words with the Renewable Fuels Association and the American… Keep reading →

Dow Jones Averages Falls Below 11,000

The credits – Renewable Index Numbers –  created to track compliance with EPA-mandated ethanol blending into the US fuel supply as part of the Renewable Fuel Standard reportedly created a market easily manipulated by Wall Street and other players. [New York Times] Some positive climate change news may be on the horizon when the Intergovernmental… Keep reading →

Rapeseed Plant - Renewable Resource For Biodiesel

EPA’s 2013 Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS) require blending of 16.55 billion gallons of renewable fuels into transportation fuel, providing additional lead time and flexibility for compliance. On August 6, 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its finalized volume and percentage standards for four renewable fuel categories – cellulosic, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuels, and total… Keep reading →