Offshore wind power has become a significant component of several European countries’ electricity generation portfolios and now the US is looking to expand the power generating capacity of wind beyond its coastline.

The economics can be complex – particularly if the production tax credit expires at the end of 2012 – but offshore wind has the potential to become an affordable source of electricity for some of the largest US markets. Keep reading →

It is the best of times for renewable energy project developers and it is the worst of times for renewable energy project developers, and the difference lies in a single contract.

The existence of a signed power purchase agreement (PPA) between the developer of a renewable energy generation project and an established utility marks the divide between a premium-valuation market for renewable assets and a deeply discounted valuation in an overcrowded market. Keep reading →

States should abandon the “venture capital” approach to supporting renewable energy and focus on a fuel and technology-agnostic portfolio approach, Connecticut’s energy and environment commissioner says.

Connecticut is abandoning technology-specific renewable energy credits and instead funding a “green bank” that tightens the focus on creating scale in the deployment of both renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner Daniel Esty said at the Renewable Energy Finance Forum – Wall Street in New York City today. Keep reading →

The commitment of the US military to renewable energy is serious, long-term and about guaranteeing energy security for missions, and it is not a short-term environmental program, the US Army’s energy and installations chief stressed today.

“I’m here to tell you that the Army is serious about this; this is not about environmentalism,” US Army Assistant Secretary for Installations, Energy and Environment Katherine Hammack said at the Renewable Energy Finance Forum – Wall Street in New York City today. Keep reading →