Production Costs

Energy Independence In The Age Of Renewables

New Combined Electricity Project Connect Spain and France

Facing the traditional energy sector’s uncertain future and the decreased cost of producing renewable energy, many companies have taken to generating their own power.

A large excavator loads a truck with oil

Oil sands producers have been through oil price declines before and some are hoping economies of scale, along with innovation, can reduce costs enough to make it through the current market cycle. “Syncrude forecasts operating costs at C$45.69 ($38.07) per barrel in 2015. Oil sands crude trades at a discount to the West Texas Intermediate… Keep reading →

OPEC Ministers Attend Conference In Iran

As prices drop to around $80 per barrel, more attention is being focused on the mindset of Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter. The 20 percent decline in oil prices over the past three months has been attributed to a wide range of factors, including declining growth in China, poor growth in Europe, and… Keep reading →