
Trans-Alaska Pipeline

The 525,000 barrel per day pipeline designed to transport diluted bitumen from Northern Alberta’s oil sands development projects to the Pacific Coast in Kitimat, British Columbia received federal government approval after the markets closed yesterday. There are many hurdles yet to negotiate before Enbridge – the pipeline company proposing the project – can reach a… Keep reading →

Distributor Offloads Oil From Barge

Up to 150,000 b/d of Bakken crude oil currently passes through Albany via rail and/or barge on its way to East Coast refineries and other destinations. Read Breaking Energy coverage of rail transport capacity expansion at the Phillips 66 Bayway Refinery in New Jersey here. Some are concerned about the crude oil transport increases Albany… Keep reading →

British Gas Controversially Increases Its Energy Prices

Intensified competition between Russian gas giant Gazprom and Russian gas independent Novatek is showcasing the advantages to producers of LNG pricing flexibility, according to Eurasia Group Global Energy and Natural Resources analyst Leslie Palti-Guzman. Natural gas analysts frequently point out that there are three different pricing regions for gas – North America, Europe and Asia.… Keep reading →