Keystone XL Pipeline

OPAL Pipeline To Connect To Baltic Sea

Pipeline companies are struggling to build out the national pipeline system but not being transparent about how they are doing it

Currents Energy Industry Insights: November 2018 #3

OPAL Pipeline To Connect To Baltic Sea

TransCanada Corp is reviewing a decision by a Montana judge blocking construction of the Keystone XL pipeline

President Obama Speaks At Southern Site Of The Keystone Oil Pipeline

With the Trump administration making good on its pledge to expeditiously approve the Keystone XL pipeline, we can look at the project for what it would be – a significant piece of North American energy infrastructure that holds the promise of supporting broad economic growth and strengthening American energy security. API President and CEO Jack… Keep reading →

Northeast Debates Benefits And Dangers Of Hydrofracking

OK, so EPA says safe hydraulic fracturing isn’t a threat to the nation’s drinking water. That’s great news for America’s energy revolution, which is being driven by advanced fracking and horizontal drilling. Without them there’s no revolution and certainly fewer jobs and less economic opportunity. Thanks, EPA, for following the science and recognizing – as… Keep reading →

Senate Republicans Mark Anniversary Of Plan For Keystone XL Pipeline

Vice President Joe Biden underscored the administration’s call for infrastructure spending during a Bloomberg Government event that focused on the country’s deteriorating delivery and transportation systems. Some highlights: The Washington politics of infrastructure spending is challenging. “The idea that there is a debate on the Hill on the need to invest in infrastructure is mind… Keep reading →

President Obama Speaks At Southern Site Of The Keystone Oil Pipeline

Supporters of the Keystone XL pipeline have been frustrated if not furious at what they see as unnecessary delays by President Barack Obama in deciding the fate of the Keystone XL pipeline. And by now, it appears, opponents of the pipeline are getting antsy too. As Bloomberg News reports, this is a bit of a… Keep reading →

EPA Chief Gina McCarthy Discusses Administration's Climate Action Plan

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy commented Monday that construction of the Keystone XL pipeline would not spell doom for the planet. McCarthy was asked about the climate impact of Keystone XL at an event hosted by Politico’s Mike Allen. “No, I don’t think that any one issue is a disaster for the climate… nor do I… Keep reading →

Activists Demonstrate Against Keystone Pipeline Proposal

President Obama has used increasingly negative rhetoric in recent months when discussing the Keystone XL pipeline. The President’s remarks have left most observers with the impression that he will reject the controversial pipeline’s permit and cancel the project once and for all. In December, the President said that the pipeline may be “good for the… Keep reading →

Senate Republicans Mark Anniversary Of Plan For Keystone XL Pipeline

Apparently not content with the four Pinocchios he recently earned from the Washington Post for statements on the Keystone XL pipeline, President Obama last week put in a bid for five with remarks aimed at the project’s environmental impact. At an appearance in South Carolina, the president termed “extraordinarily dirty” the methods used to develop… Keep reading →

President Obama Speaks At Southern Site Of The Keystone Oil Pipeline

While some are thoroughly tired of the Keystone XL pipeline saga, it has also become one of those spectacles that’s hard to turn away from. At this point it must be one of the most famous US energy projects of all time – up there with the Trans-Alaska Pipeline – and it might never even get… Keep reading →

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