The first and probably the most relevant constraint to electricity markets is transmission grid capacity. Despite the liberalization of the sector, in many countries congestion continues to be a hindrance for competitive prices. Italy is one such country. Data on day-ahead market prices show a decrease in the last few years which has been principally driven… Keep reading →
Electricity Network Congestion Pricing: Italian Power Exchange
By Alberto D’AntoniSign up and get Breaking Energy news in your inbox.
We will never sell or share your information without your consent. See our privacy policy.IAEE President: Range of Prescriptions Needed to Address Africa’s Nuanced and Varied Energy Challenges
By Jared AndersonMany in developed economies often think and speak about Africa in a one size fits all context, and of course nothing could be further from the truth. The vast continent is a diverse tapestry of sovereign nations with varied geography, demographics, religions and energy-related challenges. One challenge many countries share with regard to energy, however,… Keep reading →
The recent US energy production explosion, efficiency gains, climate strategy and related energy policies are converging to create an intricate and rapidly-evolving set of issues that business leaders, regulators, academic professionals and students will address in New York next week at the 37th International Association for Energy Economics International Conference. In advance of the meeting,… Keep reading →
Nigerian Energy Demand Analysis: What Factors Accounted for Changes from 1980-2012?
By Osasohan AgbonlahorEnergy is the backbone of any growing economy, which justifies the heavy reliance of the world economies on it. According to Alam (2006), “energy is the indispensable force driving all economic activities”. In other words, energy consumption is a prerequisite for economic growth and overall development. The energy composition of a country is equally important… Keep reading →
Towards Understanding How Corruption Impacts the Quality of Electricity Supply to End-Users in Emerging and Developing Economies This article provides a synopsis of a paper submitted to the IAEE/USAEE Best Student Paper Award Competition. On average, a fourth of all electricity produced in low-income countries was lost during transmission and distribution in the year 2000,… Keep reading →
Analyzing the Gas Interconnection Between Chile and Argentina
By Fabiola RodriguesOverview This paper focuses on evaluating the gas interconnection between Chile and Argentina from 1994 to 2009. In order to attain this goal the article describes the negotiation process between The State and the private sector. Firstly, it tries to introduce the reader to the Argentinean and Chilean status in terms of energy at the… Keep reading →
Business leaders, policy makers and the general public generally seek lower carbon energy sources but struggle to accurately determine their cost effectiveness. Many see the future of energy to be in natural gas. The unconventional shale gas revolution has catapulted the United States past Russia in total gas output, and recent Federal Energy Regulatory Commission… Keep reading →