Grid Integration

Renewable Energy Update – November 2016

California Power Grid Strained By Heat Wave

Staff of the California Energy Commission have completed an assessment of the state’s transmission grid.

LA Arboretum 3

The ability to flip a switch or push a button and turn on a light is often touted as a symbol of our industrial society’s accomplishments. Flipping that switch represents the incredible infrastructure of our power grid that gives you access to power when you want it. And yet, in many cases, it doesn’t always… Keep reading →

Aerials of U.S.-Canada Border Along The Niagara River

Renewables are making large gains globally, but if they are to continue grabbing market share from fossil fuels, they will require reliable policy backing, according to International Energy Agency Executive Director Maria Van Der Hoeven. The IEA’s 2013 Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report maintains a positive outlook for growth in renewables worldwide. “Despite a difficult economic… Keep reading →