Global Warming

Neurath Power Plant Rated Germany's Biggest CO2 Emitter

 One of the most difficult tasks among climate scientists is predicting how climate change will play out over the longer term and how anthropogenic contributions will further impact those climatic shifts. There is widespread agreement that carbon emissions have significantly increased since the industrial revolution and these emissions are playing a climate-changing role, but the… Keep reading →

People's Climate March

Yesterday’s People’s Climate March in New York City drew an estimated 310,000 – 400,000 people, putting it up there with some of the country’s largest historical mass protests. It’s great that so many people are passionate about doing something to address climate change, but it sometimes seems like people are quick to jump behind a… Keep reading →

Greenland:  A Laboratory For The Symptoms Of Global Warming

A climate researcher recently discovered some of the darkest snow and ice on record in Greenland and the findings have potentially alarming climate-change implications. “There are several potential explanations for what’s going on here. The most likely is that some combination of increasingly infrequent summer snowstorms, wind-blown dust, microbial activity, and forest fire soot led… Keep reading →

Mitch McConnell Argues Against Proposed EPA Carbon Standards For Power Plants

Fifteen governors penned a letter sent to the White House yesterday claiming the EPA’s proposed rule to regulate emissions from existing power plants is illegal. Several of these governors also climate change deniers. “Five of the states represented by those governors — Alabama, Indiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Wyoming — are also part of a lawsuit filed… Keep reading →

Seattle Mariners v Detroit Tigers

Tom Steyer the billionaire hedge fund manager turned enviro-political activist is spending big bucks to sway voters toward pro-climate-action democrats in the midterm elections this fall, but some are questioning the factual integrity of ads sponsored by Steyer’s super PAC NextGen. While several respected fact-checking groups have poked holes in some of NextGen’s assertions –… Keep reading →

Hurricane Katrina Aftermath - Day 15

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) states on its homepage that it “provides the only global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information – holding the largest collection globally of primary climate change, water and forest risk commodities information.” In an age of climate change this is crucial information… Keep reading →

Once-in-63-year Drought Happens In Henan

Pick your poison, but the two widely-used terms elicit different reactions from various segments of the US population and demographic strata. “Global warming” also poses a greater sense of threat to one’s self and one’s family, especially for women, Hispanics, African-Americans, Democrats, Independents and Republicans. Actually, the report notes that “climate change appears to actually reduce issue engagement”… Keep reading →

Oyster Farmers Begin To Wind Down Operations After Feds End Nat'l Seashore Lease

In a story as much about political campaign finance as about oyster farming in Washington State, climate change, ocean acidification and business competiveness are major themes. “It used to be the canary in the coal mine,” Mr. [Gov. Jay] Inslee said in a recent interview. “Now it’s the oyster in the half shell. You can’t… Keep reading →

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

Financial results from 127 global oil and natural gas companies showed increased use of debt to help fund operations – along with asset sales – in recent years amid flat oil prices. Low borrowing rates facilitated this phenomenon, though the long-term sustainability of this strategy is questionable. “Using debt to fuel growth is a typical… Keep reading →

General Views Of Hazelwood Power Station

On June 23, the new Australian Government lead by Prime Minister Tony Abbott reintroduced a package of bills to repeal the Australian carbon tax. Dismantling the predecessor government’s carbon laws – including the Climate Change Authority and the mining tax – is regarded a top priority by PM Abbott and, therefore, has been placed on… Keep reading →

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