Equatorial Guinea

An tanker is docked on June 05, 2010 off

Mozambique, Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon are all looking at floating LNG export projects as potential ways to bring their natural gas reserves to market. “But the Cameroonian Float­ing LNG project, announced on Christmas Day 2014 as a three way Heads of Agreement (the HOA) between Golar LNG Ltd (Golar) Societe Nationale de Hy­drocarbures (SNH) and… Keep reading →

President Obama Speaks At Southern Site Of The Keystone Oil Pipeline

This scathing editorial shreds Washington’s energy policy record going back to the Carter administration and calls out President Obama for claiming in the State of the Union address that his administration’s policies were responsible for currently booming oil & gas production. [Forbes] Natural gas is being diverted to domestic grids in Egypt and next year… Keep reading →

ACM Lifting Lives Music Camp - Karaoke With Love And Theft

A music video of the 80’s classic song “Africa” by Toto reportedly made by oil field workers aboard the “Bourbon Peridot” vessel in Equatorial Guinea is making the internet rounds, and while it’s very entertaining, little information about the operation is available. The You Tube post states, “Our own version of the music video for… Keep reading →