Environmental Policy

22 Dead In Qingdao Oil Pipeline Blast

China is in the throes of an environmental meltdown. Its major cities are shrouded in smog and pollution – who can forget images of Beijing leading up to the 2008 Olympics as authorities tried frantically to clear smog-filled skies before the world came calling? Meanwhile, a large portion of the country’s groundwater is contaminated. Not… Keep reading →

The EPA Proposes Stricter Standards For Smog Limit

ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES IMPROVE GASIFICATION SYSTEMS, REDUCE GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS WASHINGTON–As part of the Administration’s all-of-the-above energy approach, the Department of Energy has selected four projects to receive funding for next-generation gasification systems that also reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Awardees will receive approximately $16 million to advance the gasification process, which converts carbon-based materials like… Keep reading →


EPA’s current estimate of the completion time for a draft of its study of the risks posed by hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) to drinking water is now projected by the agency to be developed in early 2015. This is based on comments in a letter originating from EPA’s Region 8 office stating that the study on the risks posed by fracking to drinking water won’t reach draft final form until “early 2015”. [Region 8 Letter]

Pre-Election PTC Extension Update

texas wind

With the election on Tuesday, the wind industry’s attention is particularly focused on the prospects for the extension of the production tax credit (PTC). There have been four interesting developments related to the extension of the PTC.

A man walks outside a newly launched 670

Movoto, a real estate agency blog offering details about moving to and living in various cities has compiled a series of comprehensive lists on the location of power plants within the United States. The lists break down the type of energy source for power plants across the country – fossil fuel, nuclear and renewables. The… Keep reading →

Hydrocarbon Exposure Reconsidered

East New Mexico and West Texas oil industry try to rebound with the price of oil hitting near $30 a barrel

You might recall previous entries (here is one) discussing the $2.9 million Dallas County verdict and judgment in Parr v. Aruba. Not all similar suits have the same result.

Michael and Myra Cerny sued Marathon Oil Corp. and Plains Exploration & Production Company, alleging, as in Parr, private nuisance, negligence, and negligence per se. As in Parr, among the allegations were:

continuous release of “ … strong odors and noxious chemicals into the environment, including the plaintiffs’ property, causing injury and harm to the plaintiffs’ property and to their persons;” and
health problems, including headaches, rashes, chest pain, “strange nerve sensations,” high blood pressure, nausea, difficulty breathing, and nosebleeds.


The Bioenergy Technologies Office within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), “Landscape Design for Sustainable Bioenergy Systems.”

DOE is looking for interdisciplinary projects that integrate landscape design approaches with cellulosic feedstock production within existing agricultural and forestry systems. Projects must maintain, or preferably enhance, environmental and socio-economic sustainability. The FOA includes funding up to $14 million.

Owner Of Empire State Bldg Objects To Proposed Nearby NYC Skyscraper

Clean energy finance is thriving in New York State. This week, Governor Cuomo announced the New York Green Bank’s first set of deals, totaling an impressive $800 million in clean energy investments across the state. The projects funded by this investment will yield an impressive annual reduction of 575,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, roughly equivalent to removing… Keep reading →

A large excavator loads a truck with oil

The Northern Plan will focus on the integrated and coherent development of the area covered by the Northern Plan which includes all of Québec located north of the 49th degree of north latitude and north of the St. Lawrence River and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. There are several mining exploration projects and major mining projects at various stages of development in the north, some of which require significant access to infrastructures. The Government of Quebec intends to take steps to facilitate the implementation of mining and other projects in the area. With confirmation by the Government of Québec of its intention to relaunch the Northern Plan by introducing Bill 11, An Act respecting the Société du Plan Nord, on September 30, 2014, the implementation of the Northern Plan continues. Bill 11 reiterates the majority of the elements included in the former Bill 27, An Act respecting the Société du Plan Nord, introduced in 2011, which was examined by a parliamentary committee. However, Bill 11 contains new elements and incorporates differences when compared to the previous version as outlined in “Relaunching the Northern Plan: Introduction of the Bill to establish the Société du Plan Nord” [Link]. Mr. Couillard’s government seems determined to proceed with the implementation of all mechanisms required for the orderly deployment of the Northern Plan while the mining sector and international business community continue to demonstrate interest in this major plan.

Youth Rally For Change In Energy, Climate And Economic Policy

On 22 September 2014, the International Bar’s Association task force on Climate Change Justice and Human Rights released its new report Achieving Justice and Human Rights in an Era of Climate Disruption in the wake of the UN Climate Summit 2014.

The Report can be consulted here.

The publication of the report marks the end of a research effort initiated in November 2012 and constitutes an important recognition by the global legal profession that climate change has an important human rights dimension. It presents a comprehensive survey of existing legal frameworks relevant to climate change, and identifies, using a justice-centred perspective, opportunities for legal reforms.

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