
Texas Oil Companies Work To Adapt To Falling Oil Prices

Big news in the latest API Monthly Statistical Report: U.S. crude oil production rose to an all-time record of 10.7 million barrels per day (mbd) in June – the largest monthly output, ever. Below, the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s chart showing U.S. oil production since the era of Col. Edwin Drake, with annual output peaking at 9.637… Keep reading →

Louisiana Oil Industry Recovers From Katrina Devastation

Tariffs and quotas on imported steel imposed by the Trump administration are self-inflicted potholes on the path to the administration’s goal of U.S. “energy dominance.” They’re bad for American energy, which uses steel throughout its operations and delivery networks. They’re bad for American manufacturing, they’re bad for American consumers, and they’re bad for America. We’ve… Keep reading →

Offshore Drilling Could Return To California If Lawmakers Approve Budget

Offshore energy development works for the states – all of them. The U.S. Interior Department recently announced that $61.6 million in revenues from offshore oil and natural gas will be distributed to all 50 states, U.S. territories and the District of Columbia – via grants that support state conservation and outdoor recreation projects. Ponder that: You don’t… Keep reading →

Report Places Los Angeles At Top Of List For City With Worst Traffic And Smog

Happy Birthday, America! Celebrating Independence Day will take many forms – cookouts, fireworks, community parades, family gatherings and more. Our nation is built on values that have enabled the natural gas and oil industry to accomplish amazing things, something for which we at the Colorado Petroleum Council are incredibly grateful. Energy supplied by the natural gas and… Keep reading →

Obama's New Proposed Regulations On Coal Energy Production Met With Ire Through Kentucky's Coal Country

The notion that failing coal and nuclear plants need to be propped up by Washington continues to be advanced by some in the administration and, of course, members of the industries that would benefit from bailouts – usually by attacking natural gas and its infrastructure. In recent months we’ve rebutted their claims that the nation’s electricity… Keep reading →

OPAL Pipeline To Connect To Baltic Sea

Let’s make three quick points following release of a new methane emissions report from the Environmental Defense Fund: Natural Gas’ Benefits Confirmed The report’s findings reflect the fact methane emissions were low in 2015. According to EPA, methane emissions from natural gas production are down 14 percent since 1990, while natural gas output increased more than 50… Keep reading →

Texas Oil Companies Work To Adapt To Falling Oil Prices

With Wall Street Journal headlines such as “Trans-Atlantic Oil-Price Spread Soars as Supply Glut Disappears,” it might be hard to remember that the United States’ domestic oil production stood at a record 10.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) in April, and the nation’s petroleum trade balance is in its best position in 50 years. This has reinforced… Keep reading →

Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano Announces New Cybersecurity Team

Administration officials continue to push the idea of propping up failing coal and nuclear plants to ensure the health of the U.S. power system by asserting that the nation’s natural gas infrastructure is at heightened risk of cyber attack and other threats. There’s simply no substantiated evidence supporting their claim. Here’s what you need to know about… Keep reading →

A steel worker drives a crane at the fur

The decision by the Trump administration to impose tariffs on imported steel, including key allies Canada, Mexico and the European Union, is the wrong direction for U.S. energy policy. While the full effect of these tariffs on steel-intensive business—and the U.S. economy—remains to be seen, the impacts will ripple through the natural gas and oil… Keep reading →

BP Attempts "Static Kill" To Permanently Plug Damaged Oil Well

For some time we’ve stressed that offshore oil and natural gas production is compatible with a variety of other ocean uses such as fishing and tourism – and most significantly, with the U.S. military’s need for open-water areas to conduct training exercises, advanced weapons testing and the like. Industry has a long track record of developing offshore… Keep reading →

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