Energy Policy

Prime Minister David Cameron Tries To Take A Harder Line with Europe

The European Parliament (EP) announced its approval of new targets for renewables and energy efficiency rates to be achieved by 2030

America Votes On Environment And Energy Ballot Initiatives

Congress Struggles With Funding Repairs To U.S. Capitol Dome

The 2018 midterm elections also provided voters in several states the opportunity to craft environmental and energy policy directly through ballot initiatives

Energy Bill The Focus Of Congressional Debate

Congress Meets As Government Shutdown Looms

Congress has spent a significant chunk of the new year focused on a bipartisan energy bill, which, if passed, would be the first broad bipartisan energy package in nearly ten years.

Geothermally Heated Water Well 13995

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $14.5 million in new funding to advance geothermal energy development. The Efficient Drilling for Geothermal Energy (EDGE) funding opportunity announcement (FOA) will focus on geothermal drilling in support of accelerating the research and development of innovative geothermal energy technologies in America. “Advancing research in geothermal… Keep reading →

Congress Struggles With Funding Repairs To U.S. Capitol Dome

House Republican leadership is continuing to make noise on the possibility of another tax bill with the House Ways and Means Act.

President Trump

Last week Seyfarth Shaw published an alert concerning the 25% global tariff on imported steel articles.

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Builders and manufacturers who rely on imported steel as a major input may want to rethink their procurement strategy in light of an executive domestic preference decree issued.

The 2011 National Christmas Tree is lit

In early November 2017, Singapore chipmaker Broadcom Limited made an unsolicited public offer to acquire Qualcomm Incorporated, its San Diego-based rival.

Congress Reconvenes After Midterm Elections

While negotiations on the Omnibus appropriations bill are said to be almost completed with the possibility of it being on the House floor next week, there are still a few major issues that need to be worked out.

Trump Administration Imposes Tariffs On Steel And Aluminum

The US flag flies at half-staff above th

The international trade front has had some important developments over the last few weeks that will likely have significant impacts on the construction of domestic wind, solar, biomass and other types of renewable energy projects.

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