Emission Controls

China Plans New Energy Strategy

In December 2015, nearly 200 countries reached a historic agreement in Paris to limit greenhouse gas emissions in hopes of curbing global warming.

Renewable Energy Update – March 2016 #2

New Combined Electricity Project Connect Spain and France

The global surge in renewable energy deployment has been credited for greenhouse gas emissions remaining flat for the second year running, according to the International Energy Agency.


What do Farmington, NM, Oklahoma City, Lakewood, CO and Dickinson, ND have in common? These cities are in the heart of oil and gas country, and – most importantly – were locations in which the BLM heard overwhelming support for strong efforts to reduce wasteful venting, flaring and leaks from the oil and gas industry… Keep reading →


These numbers don’t lie. They represent the strong support new methane waste and pollution reduction rules from the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management enjoy across the west. Methane is a potent climate pollutant and the main constituent of natural gas, so when oil and gas companies on public land allow  methane to be… Keep reading →

Climate Protection - Photo Illustrations

The New York Times reports that weekend exultation over the new global climate agreement was quickly replaced by the realization that talking about emissions goals in Paris could be dwarfed by what it takes to produce actual results: Before the applause had even settled … world leaders warned that momentum from the historic accord must… Keep reading →

Air Pollution Attacks Beijing Again

China will reduce emissions of major pollutants in the power sector by 60% by 2020, its cabinet announced today. [The Guardian] Abengoa, the Spanish renewable energy firm with a solar plant in Arizona, could soon become Spain’s biggest bankruptcy case of all time after the company failed to sign a new investor. [NPR] African heads… Keep reading →

MATS, Take Two: EPA Still Supports The Rule (And EPA Is Correct)


Late last week, EPA issued a Supplemental Finding, concluding that it is still “appropriate and necessary” to regulate hazardous air pollutants from coal- and oil-fired electric generating units.

German Summit On Electric Mobility

National sales figures have revealed that American car dealers are reluctant to sell electric vehicles, despite the increased demand for environmentally friendly vehicles. [The NY Times] A newly published study in the Journal of Political Economy suggests that climate change will greatly reduce the ability of developing countries to engage significantly in international trade. [The… Keep reading →

Waste Fuels Energy Production In Incinerator Plant

In case you missed it, PBS NewsHour recently took a close look at an issue EDF has been deeply involved in: oil and gas methane emissions. PBS captured what many across the country have experienced for years – frustration with a significant waste and pollution problem. U.S. oil and gas drillers emit millions of tons of methane… Keep reading →

Tankers Leave Oil Refineries As Strike Action Looms

To a large degree, cleaner air in the United States results from innovations and improvements in transportation fuels over the past four decades. This is important, because the freedom to travel has been ingrained in the American psyche since the days when waves of westward migration began spanning the continent. Today, Americans are used to… Keep reading →

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