EEnergy Informer

Interior Sec. Sally Jewell And Sen. Reid Announce Plans For Nat'l Clean Energy Summit

Arguments about expensive, exotic renewables are dated If you are among those who still believes that renewables are exotic, expensive, unreliable, intermittent or whatever, you may be fighting a losing battle. With each passing day, renewables are gaining ground, and their shortcomings, most notably intermittency, diffused energy source and low capacity factor, are getting compensated in ingenious ways.… Keep reading →

Tourist Industry Taps Into The Three Gorges Dam

The big ones are enormous Every industry has its own top 10 list. In the power generation business, like everything else, being the biggest carries clout and bragging rights. Table below, from data provided by Electric Light & Power, lists the world’s top 10 generation stations. All the big ones are either large hydro or nuclear sites with multiple reactors. Only 2 of the top… Keep reading →

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