With each passing day, we learn more about the implications of the 2016 election and how President Trump’s administration will approach federal policies that impact the energy industry.
Decision 2016
Top Things To Watch In Energy Policy in 2017
By Miguel Rodriguez, David Russell | Bryan CaveSign up and get Breaking Energy news in your inbox.
We will never sell or share your information without your consent. See our privacy policy.Secretary Moniz Statement On Anniversary Of JCPOA Implementation Day, IAEA Announcement Of Centrifuge Removal From Fordow
By U.S. Department Of EnergyWASHINGTON – Last week marked the one-year anniversary of the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which rolls back the Iranian nuclear program and verifiably prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. To reach Implementation Day last year, Iran had to ship out 25,000 pounds of its enriched uranium, dismantle two-thirds of… Keep reading →
The meeting’s main outcomes will probably disappoint ardent supporters and detractors alike, but the parties should not dismiss the potential progress offered by its more modest, concrete recommendations. On January 15, representatives from around seventy countries and international organizations convened in Paris for the second of two international conferences organized under the French “Middle East… Keep reading →
As the Trump administration comes into office and the new Congress begins work, a sea-change is needed in the way Washington approaches American oil and natural gas abundance. It’s critically important for consumers, the U.S. economy and our country’s security. We need policies that embrace and harness America’s energy renaissance instead of trying to restrain… Keep reading →
A Tale Of Two Countries – China’s Betting On Renewable Energy While Trump Dreams Of Coal’s Glory Days
By Environmental Defense Fund Energy Exchange BlogThat whoosh you just heard was China passing the United States in the race for the 21st century energy economy. Or is it the 21st century jobs race? Or the “world’s only superpower” race? Unfortunately, it might be all three. Last week, China announced it will invest $361 billion over the next three years in… Keep reading →
States, Power Companies Lead In Cutting Carbon; Election Not Slowing Expected 2017 Progress
By Environmental Defense Fund Energy Exchange Blog2016 was a big year for progress in the U.S. power sector. Renewable energy sources provided 16.9 percent of the country’s electricity in the first half of 2016, up from 13.7 percent for all of 2015. The country’s first offshore wind farm opened off the coast of Rhode Island. Most importantly, carbon emissions from the power sector are… Keep reading →
SOAE 2017: An Energy Vision For Today And Tomorrow
By Energy Tomorrow BlogThe Twitter-sphere did a good job reflecting many of the key messages from API’s annual State of American Energy event in Washington. Start with the fact that America’s oil and natural gas companies are driving the U.S. economy with increased production and refining operations: There were reminders of the energy sector’s potential for putting millions… Keep reading →
The secretary’s latest remarks beg the question: at a time when Israelis and Palestinians are clearly unable to strike a grand deal, why not put ideology aside, jettison the administration’s all-or-nothing approach, and lay out more modest parameters on settlements, incitement, and other concrete issues? In the waning days of the Obama administration, Secretary of… Keep reading →
With a new administration and Congress arriving in Washington, we’ll be watching to see how American energy’s next chapter unfolds – the policy choices and actions that largely will determine the path for our country’s energy future in terms of resource access, infrastructure and other issues. American Petroleum Institute President and CEO Jack Gerard will… Keep reading →