
Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano Announces New Cybersecurity Team

With growing awareness of the risks from cyber attacks, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) this past April took steps to enhance U.S. cyber security standards. Their plan seeks to improve the resiliency of critical network operations in electric generation, distribution and transmission systems. The ripple effects of compliance will be felt throughout the U.S.… Keep reading →

Nuclear Power Plants Tighten Their Security

With a Senate vote on two nominees for commissioners of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) pending, there is unprecedented attention on this obscure regulator of interstate pipelines and electricity transmission. In 2005, Congress granted FERC additional authority to regulate electric grid reliability and security, but too often FERC has accommodated industry rather than enforce… Keep reading →

New York And New Jersey Continue To Recover From Superstorm Sandy

Quick Take: I can’t think of a time when electric power reliability has been such a mainstream issue. Even President Obama is in on it, as you’ll read below. Given the interest from policymakers and the public, I hope our industry can use this opportunity to make the case for the money we need to… Keep reading →

The Pentagon plans to add more than 4,000 people to its efforts to combat the growing number of cyberattacks in the country and to take the offensive against attacks from foreign countries.

Increasing the Defense Department’s Cyber Command by more than 4,000, well above today’s level of 900, will be a challenge, a New York Times article quoted defense officials as saying. The department said officials know that recruiting, training and retaining that many qualified people will be a difficult chore. Keep reading →