Climate Agenda

The Energy Edge: Reports Of Coal’s Death…Exaggerated?

Obama's New Proposed Regulations On Coal Energy Production Met With Ire Through Kentucky's Coal Country

Coal remains the most-used electricity generation source in 18 states

Libya To Send Apology To United Nations

The latest UN IPCC report makes it crystal clear that carbon dioxide (CO2) is not the only pollutant that matters for limiting future warming. Deep reductions in emissions of non-CO2 pollutants, particularly methane (CH4), are essential to staying below temperature targets, and have the added benefits of improving public health, food security, and ecosystems. Further, the new report… Keep reading →

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

As shown by the recent special report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, emissions from fossil fuel combustion in California and elsewhere present dire consequences for the planet. This means California, like the rest of the world, must take real steps now to shift toward a low carbon future. Similar to many other developed economies, California… Keep reading →

Domestic Oil And Gas Production

Health, safety, and security are key concerns for all stakeholders operating in the energy and natural resources sector

Senate Hearing On Exports Of LNG To Europe

A liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker arr

The U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources has held a hearing on the subject of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to Europe

Energy Newsletter – September 2018

Prices Help Drive Increase of Midwest Oil Exploration

A Texas Federal Judge Turns Up the Heat on Oil Companies Facing Climate Change-Related Securities Class Actions

Energy Newsletter: September 2018

Texas Oil Companies Work To Adapt To Falling Oil Prices

A Texas Federal Judge Turns Up the Heat on Oil Companies Facing Climate Change-Related Securities Class Actions

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

Regulators from across the country met in Vermont this week at the Environmental Council of the State’s (ECOS) fall meeting to discuss some of the nation’s most pressing environmental challenges. I joined members of ECOS’ Shale Gas Caucus to discuss an emerging threat imminently impacting oil and gas-producing states: the question of what to do with the… Keep reading →

Currents Energy Industry Insights: August 2018 #5

EPA Proposes New Limits On Emissions From Coal-Fired Plants

Pennsylvania’s state forests agency says it isn’t finding damage to waterways amid the expansion of natural gas drilling in recent years

Suspect Arrested In JonBenet Ramsey Case

The map below makes clear just how much damage could be done to the United States’ fifth-leading natural gas and seventh-largest oil producing state by Colorado’s Initiative 97 – the anti-energy, anti-progress measure that state officials said will be on the November election ballot. Coloradoans and all Americans should be very concerned: The map illustrates how the initiative’s requirement for… Keep reading →

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