Climate Agenda

Prices Help Drive Increase of Midwest Oil Exploration

Lost amid the wrapping paper this holiday season was a very important move in Wyoming to step up and better regulate air pollution from the state’s oil and gas wells. It was one more reason to pop some champagne corks as we rang in the New Year. Without much fanfare on Dec. 27, Wyoming finalized new… Keep reading →

Congress Struggles With Funding Repairs To U.S. Capitol Dome

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) wrote a letter to President Donald Trump requesting that, in 2019, any infrastructure package to be considered include a focus on the clean energy economy to address climate change

Currents: Energy Industry Insights December 2018

President Trump

The report from the Institute of International and European Affairs considered the impact President Donald Trump was having on the objectives of the Paris Agreement

Currents Energy Industry Insights: November 2018 #4

Texas Oil Companies Work To Adapt To Falling Oil Prices

Why this is important: The assessment posits the U.S. will lose 10 percent of its gross domestic product by the end of the century if no additional action is taken to curb climate change

Renewable Energy Update: November 2018 #4

Obama To Deliver Major Climate Change Speech

A federal climate report has forecasted sweeping, climate-linked threats to many sectors of the U.S. economy

The US flag flies at half-staff above th

The Trump Administration has released Volume II of the National Climate Assessment

Prime Minister Harper And Supporters Await Election Results

The Canadian National Energy Board released its 2018 report on energy supply and demand projections to 2040

Report Blames Human Activity For Global Warming

If you’ve been focused on recent reports of climate disaster, or on the Trump administration’s relentless attacks against environmental safeguards and climate science, you’re probably worrying we’re not making progress – at all. But look a little closer, right here in the United States, and you’ll see that people aren’t waiting around. Instead of giving in to… Keep reading →

Demonstrations Over Construction Of Gas Pipeline

Lobbying: ‘America First’ or coal first? LNG groups want to know

New EPA Regulation To Cut Emissions From Coal-Fired Plants In US

The EPA has proposed to replace the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan with the Affordable Clean Energy Rule

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