On May 31, shareholders at Exxon Mobil Corp. voted in favor of a climate change resolution asking the company to publish an annual report on the business impact of measures designed to limit global temperature increases to 2 degrees centigrade
Climate Action
Shareholders At ExxonMobil Vote In Favor Of Climate Change Reporting
By SARAH A. ALTSCHULLER | FOLEY HOAG LLP - ENVIRONMENTAL LAWSign up and get Breaking Energy news in your inbox.
We will never sell or share your information without your consent. See our privacy policy.Japan’s ‘Unholy Trinity’ – Nuclear Power Must Join Renewables to Move Emissions Reduction Needle
By Roman KilisekThe Asahi Shimbun reported in March on the decision of four big Japanese electric utilities to decommission a total of five nuclear reactors that have been in operation for more than 40 years. Respective plans have been submitted to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). “This is the first application of the regulation… Keep reading →
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just released its US Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report for the time period of 1990-2013. In this report the EPA tracks total annual US emissions and removals by source, economic sector, as well as greenhouse gas using national energy data, data on national agricultural activities, et alia in order… Keep reading →
A new web-based tool named the “Global Calculator” is designed to interactively raise awareness of looming climate change impacts. A lack of swift and meaningful action on behalf of the international community to implement global mitigation and adaptation strategies is expected to increase the severity of these climate change impacts. An accompanying report with insights from the Global Calculator… Keep reading →
A top Chinese weather scientist told the Xinhua news agency that climate change could be a serious threat. It was a rare admission for a Chinese official, while the government has acknowledged global warming, it does not usually elaborate on potential problems from climate change. Temperature rises in China had already been higher than the… Keep reading →
COP20 in Lima Update: Draft Agreement for Paris 2015 Imminent, but ‘Stakes Not High Enough’
By Roman KilisekUS Secretary of State John Kerry was expected to arrive in Lima (Peru) on Thursday – as previously reported by The New York Times and the BBC – and evidenced by his helicopter already on the ground in Lima Thursday afternoon, according to sources. This exemplifies the importance that “the Obama administration has placed on… Keep reading →
Tom Steyer the billionaire hedge fund manager turned enviro-political activist is spending big bucks to sway voters toward pro-climate-action democrats in the midterm elections this fall, but some are questioning the factual integrity of ads sponsored by Steyer’s super PAC NextGen. While several respected fact-checking groups have poked holes in some of NextGen’s assertions –… Keep reading →
A Path to Reduce Methane Emissions from Gas Systems
By U.S. Department of EnergyThe United States is now the world’s largest producer of natural gas. This natural gas revolution is driving economic growth across the country, lowering energy prices and creating jobs. It has also contributed to an American manufacturing renaissance. As the President noted in the State of the Union address, American businesses plan to invest almost… Keep reading →
The “our” in this case refers to ExxonMobil. Often considered the face of “Big Oil,” the company is the largest intact remnant of John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil empire and the world’s largest US-based oil company in terms of reserves, production and revenue. Love or hate them, Exxon is a well-run company with strict investment… Keep reading →
Editorial: Fossil Fuel Divestment is a Diversion from Real Solutions
By Dr. Roger MeinersMany people believe fossil fuels cause climate change. The science of that issue is not settled and, as an economist, I am not qualified to address multi-decade climatology. However, for those who believe public policy should address the matter, the strategy of attacking fossil fuel companies is profoundly wrong. As a part of the campaign,… Keep reading →