Blend Wall

EPA Proposes Changes To Ethanol Mandate In Gasoline

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its proposal for mandated levels of renewable fuels blended into gasoline and diesel on Friday. The proposal aims to find a balance between encouraging the continued growth of the biofuels sector and avoiding blending more ethanol into the motor fuel pool than some engines can safely handle. Production… Keep reading →

Germany Drops Biofuel Plans

The API has challenged EPA’s 2013 RFS mandate, claiming that the volumetric targets are unrealistic. On October 8, 2013, the American Petroleum Institute (API) filed a lawsuit in the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2013 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volumetric requirements, claiming the 6 million gallon (MG)… Keep reading →

Oil Boom Shifts The Landscape Of Rural North Dakota

By: Javier E. David As the U.S. prods the oil industry to blend more ethanol into gasoline, charges are flying between refiners and biofuel advocates about the impact of such mandates—and whether the so-called Blend Wall is really a problem at all. Under a law passed in 2007, refiners are required to mix a certain… Keep reading →

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