Big Oil


The SEC has certainly lived up to the billing throughout 2018, which was the first full year in existence for the SEC’s new Cyber Unit

Domestic Oil And Gas Production

Keeping an eye on what happens with domestic oil and gas regulation is a bit like herding cats. We’ve seen encouraging progress on air quality issues related to oil and gas, but an equally critical front that’s seen major action is protection of our land and water resources. More than 30 states actively regulate oil… Keep reading →

Electric Vehicle Tipping Point

Ford Launches Fifth Plug-In Hybrid Car At Michigan Plant

For the first time ever, electric vehicle sales growth is surpassing internal combustion engine vehicle sales growth in China

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

In many ways, the truest measure of U.S. energy is America itself – the country’s economic health and its security in the world, the individual prosperity of its citizens and the nation’s ability to meet significant challenges. Energy, led by natural gas and oil, is driving progress in all of these areas. No less important… Keep reading →

President Obama Delivers State Of The Union Address

The partial government shutdown continues amid the standoff between the President and Congress over his request for $5 billion to build a border wall

Congress Meets As Government Shutdown Looms

The 116th Congress, with 100 new members of the US House of Representatives (63 Democrats), convenes on January 3

Germany Seeks Ambitious Goals For Renewable Energy

This volume presents certain federal and state tax incentives promoting the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries

Men working oil

Thinking about the year in energy in 2018, a couple of recent news items focus attention on the sea change for our country launched by the U.S. natural gas and oil revolution: Net Oil and Refined Product Exporter The U.S. became a net oil and petroleum products exporter for the first time in 75 years… Keep reading →

OPAL Pipeline To Connect To Baltic Sea

Pipeline companies are struggling to build out the national pipeline system but not being transparent about how they are doing it

Congress Struggles With Funding Repairs To U.S. Capitol Dome

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) wrote a letter to President Donald Trump requesting that, in 2019, any infrastructure package to be considered include a focus on the clean energy economy to address climate change

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