Alternative Fuels

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The EPA recently announced changes to the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS2) that improves opportunities for biogas to be utilized as a vehicular fuel by qualifying it as an advanced cellulosic biofuel. Biogas-derived Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) produced from landfills, municipal waste-water treatment facility digesters, agricultural digesters, and separated MSW digesters… Keep reading →

General view of an oil refinery

A new documentary called Pump seeking to promote alternative fuels in the US takes aim at the existing downstream oil products complex and suggests change is afoot. The movie is due out in September and today Submarine Deluxe, in association with Fuel Freedom Foundation and iDeal Film Partners released the trailer that can be viewed… Keep reading →

Oil Prices Reach New Record High

US oil producers are leaving no stone unturned in their quest to export light, sweet crude that has swelled to a glut overwhelming the country’s refineries. One option could be to swap US crude for grades produced overseas that are better suited to the US refining complex, but a host of regulatory and market-based obstacles… Keep reading →

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Since the first motorcycle was built, the two wheel transportation device has had many sources of power, including the first steam powered machines. It was not until World War II that gas powered motorcycles became common place. Now the pentagon is developing a new military hybrid motorcycle that promises to be fast, powerful and silent. By creating… Keep reading →

Newest Innovations In Consumer Technology On Display At 2014 International CES

  Which technology wins in a head-to-head comparison: fuel cell vehicles or electrics? The first mass-market consumer fuel-cell vehicle will soon be available in California: the Hyundai Tucson Fuel Cell SUV. It’s taken decades to get to this point, so many enthusiasts are hoping that this will be a tipping point for the technology. It’s an exciting… Keep reading →

6th International Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Expo Begins

California, facing a bit of a chicken or egg dilemma, is plunging ahead on building a hydrogen fueling infrastructure. The hope is that doing so will open the door to fuel-cell vehicle adoption – and at least one big carmaker is getting in on the effort. Legislation signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last fall included… Keep reading →

Riffgat Offshore Wind Farm Nears Completion

In his 2013 State of the Union address, President Obama called on Congress to act on climate change and clean energy with comprehensive legislation. The president backed up that call with a warning that if Congress failed to act, he would.  One year later, Congress remains in gridlock, and the President remains determined.  At stake… Keep reading →


With electric vehicle sales on the rise, many auto makers are looking for the next advance in the technology. The electric vehicle removes dependence on gasoline but the concept car announced by Ford last week removes the vehicle’s dependence on anything but the sun. The C-MAX Solar Energi concept car is a solar-powered hybrid vehicle that… Keep reading →

NASA Offers Tour Of Its Offshore Membrane Enclosure For Growing Algae (OMEGA) System

Algae based biofuel production is growing as the market for alternative fuel continues to expand. This video, the latest in advertising campaigns from Algenol Biofuels, is certainly eye catching. The video captures the simplicity of algae biofuel that is integral to its feasibility.  New research has drastically improved the efficiency of the process of making… Keep reading →


This year, nearly 38.9 million Americans  packed up their cars and hit the road for the Thanksgiving holiday, traveling 50 miles or more, according to AAA. While gas prices are at a two-year low — selling for less than $3 a gallon in many states — fuel costs can still add up quickly. If you’re… Keep reading →

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