
Here’s what Breaking Energy staff are reading at other outlets.

Military Museum Of Chinese People's Revolution Opens To Public Free

China views Iran as a central element in its much-touted Silk Road Economic Belt, which aims to extend Beijing’s influence overland through Central Asia to the Persian Gulf and Europe. Although China has long been Iran’s largest oil customer, international sanctions recently relegated the Islamic Republic from third to sixth place among Beijing’s suppliers —… Keep reading →

European Parliament Proposes Tough Measures On Conflict Minerals

Prime Minister David Cameron Tries To Take A Harder Line with Europe

On May 20, 2015, by a narrow margin the left wing of the European Parliament successfully pushed through amendments to a proposed conflict minerals law that would, if enacted, be much more onerous and involve hundreds of thousands more European businesses in the process of tracking conflict minerals than the regulation proposed by the European Commission and supported by the Parliament’s International Trade Committee and industry.

A picture taken on June 05, 2010 shows t

Traditionally, long-term take-or-pay “ToP” LNG sale and purchase agreements (“LNG SPAs”) provide the foundation for the development of an LNG export project. These are contracts with terms of 20 years or longer.

pacific northwest lng

A staggering C$1.149 billion ($958 million) – that’s how much money developers had offered the Lax Kw’alaams Band, a First Nation community of 3,600 on  British Columbia’s northwest coast, for clearance to build a liquefied natural gas terminal in their territory. They said no. “Hopefully, the public will recognize that unanimous consensus in communities (and… Keep reading →

Domestic Oil And Gas Production

API President and CEO Jack Gerard joined members of Congress and others at a Capitol Hill press conference calling for an end to the United States’ 1970s-era ban on the export of domestic crude oil. Gerard: “We’ve come to the point where we have a limitation on our ability to continue to grow this renaissance,… Keep reading →

A liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker arr

Insight for Industry – FERC Issues Target Date for Oregon LNG Project On April 17, 2015, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a notice of Schedule for Environment Review of the $6 billion Oregon LNG export terminal, setting a final review date of February 2016. The FERC filing is a major step forward for… Keep reading →

China Update – April 2015

U.S. President Barack Obama Visits China

The Asia-Pacific region – and you know the U.S. is a Pacific power – is one of the world’s most dynamic regions. It contains the top four most populous countries, the three largest economies, many of the world’s fastest growing economies, and a rapidly growing middle class of over half-a-billion consumers. U.S. trade with the Asia-Pacific region was $2.9 trillion in 2013.


The Department of Energy and Department of Commerce are teaming up for a joint Presidential Trade Mission to China. We’re bringing you the latest from the trip on and As part of this week’s joint trade mission to China, Deputy Secretary of Energy Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall spoke at Microsoft’s Beijing campus. Delivering remarks to… Keep reading →


Following on this week’s post on increased domestic energy production that is backing out imports, we see that the U.S. remained No. 1 in the world in the production of petroleum and natural gas hydrocarbons last year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). The government agency responsible for quantifying all things energy says that… Keep reading →

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