
Energy-Efficient Home3Having an energy-efficient home is more affordable than ever before with new options continually being introduced in the market. The long-term benefits are positive not only for individual consumers, but also for the nation and the global environmental.

The following choices are not only affordable, but they are also an investment for the well-being of our planet.

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For years TransCanada has tried to have their Keystone XL Pipeline project approved by the U.S. government.  Originally the proposal was denied by former President Obama, but after the election this year President Trump enacted an executive order bringing the proposal back to the surface. Since the projects reintroduction to the forefront of climate and… Keep reading →

OPAL Pipeline To Connect To Baltic Sea

Four energy companies have formed a joint venture to advance the proposed 550-mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline to transport Marcellus and Utica natural gas to Virginia and North Carolina.   On September 2, 2014, Dominion Resources, Duke Energy, Piedmont Natural Gas, and AGL Resources announced a joint venture to build the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline to… Keep reading →

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

More data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), pointing toward American energy self-sufficiency: The agency reports domestic energy production accounted for 84 percent of total U.S. energy demand in 2013, a ratio last seen in the early 1990s. EIA: The portion of U.S. energy consumption supplied by domestic production has been increasing since 2005, when it was… Keep reading →

Ethanol Industry Threatened By Midwest Drought

Washington —  The Department of Energy (DOE) notified the State of New Mexico that it will not be able to meet the June 30th deadline to remove 3706 cubic meters of transuranic waste from the mesa at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). “Working together with the State of New Mexico, we have made great strides in cleanup… Keep reading →


Was Mars once capable of supporting life? This is the fundamental question the Curiosity rover seeks to answer as it makes its way across the Red Planet. Successfully landing on Mars in the summer of 2012 as part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, Curiosity is a roving, robotic laboratory studying the planet’s habitability. To carry… Keep reading →


Because they just hit a venture capital home run with Google’s acquisition of Nest. Despite recent mainstream media reports, cleantech venture capital is alive and kicking at the start of 2014. Just ask Peter Nieh and the cleantech team at Lightspeed, KPCB’s Randy Komisar, Venrock’s David Pakman or Shasta Ventures’ Rob Coneybeer. That group, along… Keep reading →

Apple's New iPad Air Goes On Sale

In a world where we increasingly consume all kinds of information on various screens and need separate carry-on luggage for all our chargers, this graphic gives you an idea of how much juice each each device consumes. The recent Google acquisition of Nest underscores the growing importance and value consumers assign to energy efficiency. Energy… Keep reading →

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Many people enjoy jigsaw puzzles, particularly at this time of year. Those who can put together 499 or 999 pieces (yes, there’s always one missing) with ease often turn to even greater challenges such as 3-D buildings or towers. Puzzles fascinate scientists. Recently, a team of researchers working at the Energy Department’s SLAC National Accelerator… Keep reading →


Both! The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is a large research device located at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The NIF uses powerful lasers to heat and compress hydrogen fuel to the point where nuclear fusion reactions take place. It is currently the largest and most energetic inertial confinement fusion device in the world. Researchers use the… Keep reading →

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