
This coming Sunday, June 21 — the Summer Solstice  and Father’s Day — thousands of Americans will participate in the Second Annual National #PutSolarOnIt Day of Action to recognize the growth of solar power across the United States. “A national coalition of leading environmental organizations, politicians, and solar companies, came together to plan the second annual day of action.

Last year, on the First Annual National #PutSolarOnIt Day of Action, Americans hosted 65 events across the country and generated tens of thousands of Tweets to support #PutSolarOnIt, including from the official NBA Twitter handle. Given the overlap with Father’s Day this year, the coalition is encouraging people to spend time outdoors enjoying the sun with whomever they call “Dad,” host events, and spread the buzz about solar online.” [PR Newswire]

The global PV market will grow 36 percent in 2015 with an expected 55 gigawatts set to be installed, according to GTM Research’s Global PV Demand Outlook, 2015-2015: Exploring Risk in Downstream Solar Markets. “If 2014 was a “transitional year,” as the report calls it, 2015 will be a transcendent year. Led by China, the Asia-Pacific region will install more than half of all global PV this year. Europe will begin an upswing, and North America, primarily the United States, will continue its year-over-year growth.

“China has emerged as the largest global market for PV, underpinned by a new feed-in tariff program and ambitious solar goals under the Five Year Plan,” writes report author and GTM Research Solar Analyst Adam James. GTM Research forecasts that China will install 14 gigawatts of the region’s 30 gigawatts of PV in 2015. [GTM Research]

A new World Bank report has found Asian countries are making a vital contribution to achieving global sustainable energy goals. “But while the region performs strongly on ensuring electricity access for people and using more modern renewable energy, there is room for further improvement on energy efficiency and access to clean, smoke-free cooking.

The report is the second in a series that tracks the world’s progress toward the three goals of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative—universal energy access, doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and doubling the share of renewable energy by 2030.” [The World Bank]

Rooftop panel photo: Courtesy of Shutterstock