The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy has published its 2015 edition of the biennial City Energy Efficiency Scorecard, ranking U.S. cities based on their local energy policies and initiatives, with Boston coming out on top. “All aspects of city life, from the buildings people work and live in to the ways they travel to the services they enjoy, can be improved by increasing energy efficiency,” said David Ribeiro, lead author of the report, during a Wednesday press conference.
Being energy efficient means using less energy to provide the same service, such as heating and lighting a building or getting from one place to another.” [The Washington Post]
The international community appears unlikely to soon lift sanctions against Russia following its invasion of Ukraine.”Russia is one of the largest hydrocarbon producers in the world. Although cushioned by the relative decrease in the value of the Russian Ruble to the U.S. Dollar, the global sanctions initially imposed in March 2014 and increased afterwards may reduce future Russian oil, gas and refined product exports to countries that have imposed sanctions.” [Forbes]
Chinese officials have announced a list of investment plans and loans to Brazil, including in a controversial project for a railway to the Pacific that would dissect through the Amazon rain forest.”The deals, announced during a visit by China’s premier, Li Keqiang, come at a crucial time for President Dilma Rousseff, who is dealing with a sluggish economy, austerity measures and a colossal bribery scandal involving the national oil company and her Workers Party.
For some foreign companies, the graft scandal has heightened perceptions that investing in Brazil is an uncertain proposition.” [The NY Times]