
Iran Begins To Fuel The Country's First Nuclear Power Station

Rouhani’s election pledge to improve the economy by resolving the nuclear issue is not working particularly well because of the many domestic policy challenges. Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has been eager to schedule the nuclear deal’s Implementation Day before the February midterm elections in order to demonstrate that the economy is on the mend. But… Keep reading →

Daily Life In Istanbul

While Turkey’s numerical advantages and other factors would seemingly give it the upper hand in limited clashes with Russia, Moscow could bring overwhelming force to bear if the conflict escalated — a development that would invite NATO intervention. Turkey’s recent downing of a Russian Su-24 underscored the longstanding clash between their geopolitical interests. If more… Keep reading →

Iraq Security Forces Conduct Operations in Lead-up to US Drawdown

U.S.-led diplomatic efforts had aimed to make up for the recent lack of military progress and stave off a humanitarian crisis, but a deadly rebel attack could threaten the planned ceasefire. On December 14, a missile attack in Yemen killed or injured scores of personnel fighting the Iranian-backed alliance of Houthi rebels and forces supporting… Keep reading →

F-16 Flies Over New York City

A yes vote is important not just for the expected increase in tactical effectiveness it would bring on the Syrian battlefield, but also for signaling that the strategic alliance within the EU and between Europe and the United States is seamless. On December 2, the British Parliament is expected to vote on whether to broaden… Keep reading →

Tamar, The Natural Gas Production Platform Off The Israeli Coast, Is To Begin It's Natural Gas Production

A new Israeli diplomatic office in the UAE is a rare public indication of a broader trend. Last week, the United Arab Emirates gave Israel formal permission to establish a diplomatic office in Abu Dhabi under the auspices of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), a multilateral body with 144 member states. Although officials from… Keep reading →

G20 Leaders Meet In St. Petersburg For The Summit

To reap the benefits and avert the dangers of Moscow’s latest developments with Iran, Washington and Europe should adopt a strategy that allows them to cooperate on Syria and antiterrorism efforts, while continuing pressure on issues such as the Ukraine conflict and S-300 deliveries to Tehran. On November 23, Russian president Vladimir Putin opens a… Keep reading →

Air Force Aircraft & Personnel Depart For The Middle East

On November 4, Joby Warrick, Will McCants, and Aaron Zelin addressed a Policy Forum at The Washington Institute. Warrick has covered national security, intelligence, and the Middle East for the Washington Post since 1996. McCants is a fellow at the Center for Middle East Policy and director of the Project on U.S. Relations with the… Keep reading →

Oil Price Rise Sees Increase in Suez Canal Traffic

Following their latest visit to Egypt, the former congressman and White House counsel who constitute an Institute task force shared their views on the country’s leadership, economy, and prospects for better ties with Washington.  On November 5, 2015, Vin Weber and Gregory B. Craig addressed a Policy Forum at The Washington Institute covering their recent… Keep reading →

14th IAAF World Athletics Championships Moscow 2013 - Previews

New Russian airstrikes in the south could portend a wider regime, Hezbollah, and Iranian ground campaign there, potentially violating Israel’s Golan redline and exacerbating Jordan’s refugee problems. On October 28, for the first time since Moscow began its air campaign in Syria, Russian jets reportedly targeted rebel forces in the south. The strikes focused on… Keep reading →

Tamar, The Natural Gas Production Platform Off The Israeli Coast, Is To Begin It's Natural Gas Production

After months of bureaucratic foul-ups, Israel may be close to approving a new regulatory framework to develop its offshore natural gas resources, but another political fumble could have dire economic repercussions. In the coming weeks, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu will reportedly seek to win support for regulatory changes intended to break a political logjam… Keep reading →

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