
Yukos Oil and Gas Company

Russian national oil company Rosneft is expanding development at its Vankor field in Eastern Siberia and recently announced its beginning construction of a pipeline that will link a satellite field – Suzun – to the Vankor complex. “According to geologic data form January 2014, reserves of oil and condensate of the Suzun field total over… Keep reading →

Google To Buy Smart Thermostat Maker Nest For 3.2 Billion

Demand response firm EnerNOC yesterday announced it will acquire Canadian data and analytics firm Pulse Energy. The deal highlights how energy companies – particularly in the utility sector, but also oil & gas – are increasingly becoming technology companies. “The acquisition is yet another example of how industries that previously weren’t driven by digital technology,… Keep reading →

OPAL Pipeline To Connect To Baltic Sea

 News broke Monday that Gazprom would no longer move forward with the South Stream pipeline project due to European opposition. Russian President Putin made the announcement after meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Putin said the two countries would cooperate on the possibility of creating a gas trading hub on the Turkish-Greek border.… Keep reading →

Le Tour de France 2014 - Stage Twenty One

Russian officials already in the unenviable position of dealing with the impact of Western sanctions on their national economy as reflected in a tumbling ruble – in spite of continuous Central Bank interventions – and capital outflows, now face the possibility of a recession looming in 2015, according to recent World Bank projections. Russia: Policy Uncertainty… Keep reading →

Daily Life In Istanbul

US Vice President Joe Biden recently addressed the Atlantic Council Energy and Economic Summit in Istanbul, Turkey where he discussed numerous topics related to European energy security. Biden began his talk with the situation in Ukraine and Russia’s use of energy as a political tool. He recognized the fact that Russia will remain a major… Keep reading →

General Images Of Electric Vehicle Recharging And Battery Changing Station In Beijing

Flow battery technology could soon outcompete single-cycle gas-fired turbines according to a new study. “By 2018 the cost of ViZn Energy’s 4-hour storage solution, which was selected by Energy Strategies Group as a proxy for the lowest cost multi-hour storage solutions currently being commercialized, is projected to be $974 per kW, nearly identical to that of… Keep reading →

Worries Mount In Financial Markets Over Sunday's Vote In Greece

A new report by the Climate Council reports that new investment in renewable energy in Australia has dropped by 70%. “In the last five years most countries around the world had accelerated action on climate change, with China and the United States two of the global leaders on the issue, the report, Lagging Behind: Australia… Keep reading →

EU, Ukraine And Russia Continue Negotiations Over Natural Gas Shipments

Natural gas supply negotiations between Russia’s Gazprom and Ukraine’s Nagtogaz appear to be inching closer to a deal. In fact, the two sides have agreed on a price of $385 per thousand cubic meters, but payment details now appear to be a sticking point. “If the Ukrainians have the money, then the documents will be signed. If not,… Keep reading →

Renault Presents Cannes Film Festival Official Car 'Latitude'

Christophe de Margerie, CEO of major French oil company Total, was killed Monday night when his corporate jet crashed into a snow removal vehicle on the runway of an airport near Moscow. The company reportedly has no succession plant in place, but has strong corporate governance led by a long-standing board of directors. “Barclays France… Keep reading →

Europe Fears Cuts In Natural Gas From Russia

Russian, Ukrainian and EU leadership meet tomorrow with the goal of finalizing a natural gas supply agreement as cold winter weather looms. Russia suspended gas shipments to Ukraine in June due to disagreements over price going forward and over $5 billion of unpaid bills for gas already delivered. Ukraine’s state gas company faces financial challenges… Keep reading →

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